| | | |
All Four Daddy (4.54) | Borrowed, blew, old, new. Four Sluts. One in charge Daddy. | Incest/Taboo | 06/27/18 |
Baby Sister Ch: 20 Part Series |
Baby Sister Ch. 01: MARrIAge vows (4.50) | Colombia is known for its coffee, its poppy fields... | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 01/19/20 |
Baby Sister Ch. 02: HOme aloNE (4.58) | For the first time ever young Maria was left alone with... | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 02/05/20 |
Baby Sister Ch. 03: stRAWberry SHortcAKE (4.61) | Alone with her new brothers Maria gets her first taste... | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 02/17/20 |
Baby Sister Ch. 04: Touchy Feely (4.69) | Not even a box of rocks should be taken for granite. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 03/08/20 |
Baby Sister Ch. 05: ARCHIpElago (4.56) | The honeymooners are off to a good start. Will it last? | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 04/05/20 |
Baby Sister Ch. 06: BOO COCKY (4.67) | Heaven's to Betsy, Maria is ready to ride. Kinda! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 04/12/20 |
Baby Sister Ch. 07: DISTURB AUNTS (4.54) | Maria's not afraid of no ghosts. LIKE HELL! LOL! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/01/20 |
Baby Sister Ch. 08: JACOB'S LADDER (4.55) | Climb on up here into Jacob's lap Baby Sister. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/19/20 |
Baby Sister Ch. 09: WET BACK (4.50) | "I'm ready to be wet humped now, Owen." | Incest/Taboo | 06/24/20 |
Baby Sister Ch. 10: SHARE HOLDER (4.53) | Esperanza holds on to her dream... | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 07/18/20 |
Baby Sister Ch. 11: BUTTercUP (4.71) | Ass in the air like you just don't care. Hanky Spanky Maria! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 08/02/20 |
Baby Sister Ch. 12: HAPPY TrAILS (4.53) | Coyote buys a strip club. Tail for another day. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 08/22/20 |
Baby Sister Ch. 13: TEXAS TWISTER (4.55) | The Barnett's social circle just tightened up like a noose. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 09/13/20 |
Baby Sister Ch. 14: RIPtied (4.55) | Ripped wide & hogtied Esperanza & Maria have a bonding experience. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 10/21/20 |
Baby Sister Ch. 15: BULL WHIP (4.62) | Taking the bull by the horns Matty makes a lasting... | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 12/03/20 |
Baby Sister Ch. 16: TOY CHEST (4.54) | Maria gets pistol whipped Barnett style. SQUIRT GUNS! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 01/23/21 |
Baby Sister Ch. 17: BUTLER DID IT (4.67) | "Let me help you Highbone." No mistaking who did it. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 03/10/21 |
Baby Sister Ch. 18: STANDING OVATION (4.68) | Interesting threesome! Maria gets it in the end. FINALLY! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/07/21 |
Baby Sister Ch. 19: TIGRE SHARK (4.70) | Sink or swim Maria. Esperanza goes off the deep end. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 08/05/21 |
Baby Sister Ch. 20: WAIT IN GOLD (4.78) | Watch out Maria, urine for it now. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 11/12/21 |
Be My Guest Ch: 19 Part Series |
Be My Guest Ch. 01: Eviction NoticeD (4.67) | Zach Pedigo just got evicted. Thirty minutes later he had a roommate. One young, very HOT roommate. YOWZA! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 10/02/19 |
Be My Guest Ch. 02: paRENTAL advisory (4.74) | Heidi's sister and her friend get a show, Up and at it Zach. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 10/08/19 |
Be My Guest Ch. 03: CASUAL sEX (4.67) | Heidi torments Zach with new girlfriends she's made. EX-WIFE? Umm! Oops! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 10/15/19 |
Be My Guest Ch. 04: FOOL HARDY (4.73) | Heidi's mischief backfires. Setting Zach up with Kayla, and Nasty for her own gain, leaves her jealous. Why does Khloe keep texting Zach too? Poor kid. She made her own bed. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 10/29/19 |
Be My Guest Ch. 05: LIKE CLOCKWORK (4.65) | The lies keep mounting for the ladies man. The girls keep mounting too. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 11/07/19 |
Be My Guest Ch. 06: STRIP MALL (4.61) | Zach and Cleo do lunch. He mostly ate her. Heidi found it spicy. So did Kayla. So did half the mall. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 11/16/19 |
Be My Guest Ch. 07: CURLING IRON (4.60) | Kayla and Khloe discover the true calling of a Fitness Center. Zach locates their centers and makes it fit. PERFECTLY! Time to pump iron. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 11/24/19 |
Be My Guest Ch. 08: Loose Lips (4.67) | Girl talk. Gab! Gab! Gab! TMI! Zip it! WILL YOU JUST SHUT UP ALREADY? | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 12/02/19 |
Be My Guest Ch. 09: KArMA sLutra (4.73) | When Roommates massage one another there's always a twist. What goes around cums a round. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 12/09/19 |
Be My Guest Ch. 10: PRETTY IN PUNK (4.65) | Heidi's new beau has a lot to offer. Zach who? Oh, yeah Tom. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 12/17/19 |
Be My Guest Ch. 11: WIFE COACH (4.61) | Zach's ex-wife Yushea wants him back at any cost. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 12/26/19 |
Be My Guest Ch. 12: NO CONTEST (4.64) | Winner take all. It's Khloe versus Heidi to see who screams the loudest...the longest...MEN UP! The walls have ears. Thin walls at that. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 01/08/20 |
Be My Guest Ch. 13: sI'Mply IRrISistible (4.62) | Best Man Zach just stole the Bride to be. Sort of...Meet Iris...the Fuck of the Irish. Who needs a four leaf clover to get lucky. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 02/03/20 |
Be My Guest Ch. 14: GETTING cOFFee (4.61) | Welcome to Mugshots, home of the finest creME in Seattle. Heidi's new home. LOL! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 03/05/20 |
Be My Guest Ch. 15: HerMan (4.68) | Rise and shine Petra Monahan. Zach has a mission for you. PROVE YOURSELF or LOSE YOURSELF. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 04/14/20 |
Be My Guest Ch. 16: SEX CYMBAL (4.66) | Time for Heidi to Meet the Parents. Weaver's family is pretty fucked up. Aren't they all? | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/02/20 |
Be My Guest Ch. 17: MOOLAH ROUGE (4.79) | Heidi lands a new job. PANT! PANT! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/31/20 |
Be My Guest Ch. 18: RAW DEAL (4.63) | OWWWWWWWW! MOTHERFUCKER! GAWDAMMIT! WHY ME? | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 07/11/20 |
Be My Guest Ch. 19: MAN UP (4.59) | "Man up Nick. It's called BATCH ALLURE, Buddy." | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 09/18/20 |
Britney Ch: 51 Part Series |
Britney Ch. 01: Oh Brother (4.26) | How many bets can any one Girl lose? We all know. | Incest/Taboo | 03/28/17 |
Britney Ch. 02: Jerk!!! (4.35) | Britney you are sooooo Gullible. | Incest/Taboo | 03/29/17 |
Britney Ch. 03: Sound Advice (4.63) | Britney is forced to tease her Father. "You suck, Lance." | Incest/Taboo | 03/30/17 |
Britney Ch. 04: Bumpy Ride (4.59) | Britney rides more than the bus. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 04/03/17 |
Britney Ch. 05: Scrambled Eggs (4.56) | Britney scrambles her brain. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 04/10/17 |
Britney Ch. 06: Detain Knees (4.61) | Britney faces Detention. Or is it the Teacher? | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 04/13/17 |
Britney Ch. 07: Line Drives (4.61) | It's Game Day for Britney. Wait! That's Everyday. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 04/14/17 |
Britney Ch. 08: Star Pupil (4.60) | Britney tries to pull another fast one on Dear ole Dad. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 04/15/17 |
Britney Ch. 09: Yard Work (4.55) | Brit uses Dad. Lance uses Brit. Brit uses Neighbor. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 04/16/17 |
Britney Ch. 10: Chloe's Call (4.63) | Brit and Chloe's prank turns to Hanky Pranky. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 04/18/17 |
Britney Ch. 11: Locker Room (4.59) | Brit showers her affections. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 04/19/17 |
Britney Ch. 12: Lance Alot (4.65) | Lance refuses to leave Chloe alone. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 04/20/17 |
Britney Ch. 13: Red Rover (4.62) | Brit grooms the Cheerleaders. Puppy Power! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 04/21/17 |
Britney Ch. 14: Grand Slam (4.57) | Bases loaded. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 04/25/17 |
Britney Ch. 15: Support Group (4.59) | Counselling sessions never work. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 04/27/17 |
Britney Ch. 16: Taste Buds (4.74) | The girls won't let Tara escape without a few licks. Slurp! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 04/28/17 |
Britney Ch. 17: Barn Door (4.53) | And the Oscar goes to Britney Foxx. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 04/29/17 |
Britney Ch. 18: Saving Grace (4.60) | Keith runs interference while Monica gives Grace a makeover. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 04/30/17 |
Britney Ch. 19: Braiding Party (4.71) | SNAP! Grace cracks her whips. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/01/17 |
Britney Ch. 20: Last Call (4.52) | Brit and Grace take to the streets. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/02/17 |
Britney Ch. 21: Mennonknights (4.53) | Mary's faith is tested by Keith's terms. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/04/17 |
Britney Ch. 22: Barn Swallow (4.52) | Mary continues to push her limits. So does Isaiah and Keith. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/05/17 |
Britney Ch. 23: Out House (4.59) | Jonah asks Brit to a dance. He had to close his eyes. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/06/17 |
Britney Ch. 24: Native Tongue (4.49) | Lance reminds Britney of the lost Bet. In spades. | Incest/Taboo | 05/07/17 |
Britney Ch. 25: Slumber Party (4.61) | "Daddy? None of us can sleep." | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/08/17 |
Britney Ch. 26: Women!!!! (4.66) | The Wife shocks Keith. Keith shocks the Wife. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/09/17 |
Britney Ch. 27: Surround Sound (4.64) | Chloe never knew what hit her. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/10/17 |
Britney Ch. 28: Life Styles (4.52) | Brit gets dominated by Eddie's Father. Hear the Ropes creak? | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/11/17 |
Britney Ch. 29: Mother Trucker (4.50) | Chloe asks Brit to test her Man's loyalty. Oh Boy! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/12/17 |
Britney Ch. 30: Water Torture (4.53) | Brit goes skinny dipping at the Public Pool. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/13/17 |
Britney Ch. 31: Puppy Love (4.62) | Brit arranges the Charity Carwash at the Firehouse. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/14/17 |
Britney Ch. 32: Wagging Tails (4.62) | Brit helps Burt feed the puppies. He feeds her. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/15/17 |
Britney Ch. 33: Car Pool (4.50) | Brit washes Burt's car in the nude. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/16/17 |
Britney Ch. 34: Do-Si-Dohhh! (4.66) | The Barn Dance led to a lot of Fiddling around. Brit style. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/18/17 |
Britney Ch. 35: Wet Kisses (4.63) | Let the Suds fly and the Studs sigh. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/19/17 |
Britney Ch. 36: Victorious Secret (4.51) | Ramifications of the Car Wash create trouble for the girls. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/26/17 |
Britney Ch. 37: Dog Tired (4.53) | The lottery begins. Brit needs to make her point yet again. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 06/02/17 |
Britney Ch. 38: Holy Terror (4.53) | "Dear God, Britney." | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 06/03/17 |
Britney Ch. 39: Poppy Seed (4.43) | Cryssa loves her Poppy Bear. | Incest/Taboo | 06/04/17 |
Britney Ch. 40: Delta Dawn (4.61) | Dawn rides the tide and tests the waters. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 06/05/17 |
Britney Ch. 41: Tara Wrist (4.61) | Brit's friend Tara works her hands to the bone. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 06/05/17 |
Britney Ch. 42: Try Angle (4.67) | Sophia gets more than she signed up for. Thanks Coach. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 06/14/17 |
Britney Ch. 43: Gossip Column (4.63) | Words out. Everyone's talking. He said. She did. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 07/06/17 |
Britney Ch. 44: Queen Sighs (4.51) | Queen for a day might lead to more. Hail Queen Nancy. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 07/07/17 |
Britney Ch. 45: Hail Mary (4.66) | Mary's transformation begins. Keith takes care of his girls. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 08/07/17 |
Britney Ch. 46: Foxx Hole (4.50) | The Foxx clan lets it all hang out. No more secrets. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 08/08/17 |
Britney Ch. 47: Madame Butterfly (4.58) | Keith opens Mary wide. Rita has a hand in it. Tongue too. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 09/14/17 |
Britney Ch. 48: Cock Block (4.63) | Before the meet there's the veggie. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 09/16/17 |
Britney Ch. 49: Group sHrUG (4.55) | This is the one Orgy you dare not miss out on. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 09/30/17 |
Britney Ch. 50: PROMise Ring (4.54) | Everyone wants a Prom date. Three ring circus more likely. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 10/05/18 |
Britney Ch. 51: Gown South (4.58) | Britney and the girls go shopping for Prom dresses. Men too. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 11/07/18 |
Cammi Ch. 01: Good Job (4.54) | Cammi's confessions. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 10/26/18 |
Cougar House Ch: 36 Part Series |
Cougar House Ch. 01: MILF MONEY (4.39) | Whatever pays the bills. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/14/19 |
Cougar House Ch. 02: JUST RELAX (4.61) | Margo relaxes a bit too much. Her phone very useful. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/31/19 |
Cougar House Ch. 03: Wet Dream (4.63) | Belly dancing at her son's going away party. Open Sesame. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 06/05/19 |
Cougar House Ch. 04: VICTORY LAP (4.54) | As her son leaves for Paris, Margo Needy finds comfort in his friends. A little too much. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 06/11/19 |
Cougar House Ch. 05: French Tickler (4.77) | Troubles sleeping after an eventful road trip. The fourplay begins. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 06/13/19 |
Cougar House Ch. 06: First Move (4.79) | Cabot moves in first. Then out. Then, in. Then, out...OH MY GOD CABOT!!!!!! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 06/18/19 |
Cougar House Ch. 07: Headlock (4.68) | Wrestling with her emotions Margo gets pinned to the mat. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 06/19/19 |
Cougar House Ch. 08: Chamber Made (4.73) | Breakfast in bed the boys feed on Margo's every move. BONER APPETIT'. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 06/23/19 |
Cougar House Ch. 09: SPRING LOADED (4.74) | Squeak Squeak Squeak Squeak Squeak Squeak Squeak. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 07/02/19 |
Cougar House Ch. 10: Pro Motion (4.83) | Four for four. Margo Needy just made love in pro motion. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 07/09/19 |
Cougar House Ch. 11: Comfort Zone (4.88) | Calm before the storm. Margo stirs up cloud nine. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 07/16/19 |
Cougar House Ch. 12: Model Prisoner (4.77) | NO BOUNDARIES!!!!! Game over...let the boys claim her soul. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 07/23/19 |
Cougar House Ch. 13: Breakfast of Champions (4.79) | Eat up! Ate up! Lick the plate clean COUGAR. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 08/01/19 |
Cougar House Ch. 14: Safe Cracker (4.75) | Eric takes Margo to the Bank. Might as well be the Sperm Bank. Everyone wants to make a deposit. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 08/09/19 |
Cougar House Ch. 15: Well Laid Plans (4.67) | Brian has big ideas for more than just Margo. Time to Step up. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 08/23/19 |
Cougar House Ch. 16: Midnight Snack (4.73) | Taken in the darkness Margo's hunger finds her Mystery Meet appetizing. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 08/28/19 |
Cougar House Ch. 17: Sauna Loa (4.80) | Margo gains two new fans. One is sweating up a storm. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 09/08/19 |
Cougar House Ch. 18: Problem Attic (4.74) | The attic was locked for a reason. Cue the eerie soundtrack. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 09/23/19 |
Cougar House Ch. 19: Fitness Nuru (4.74) | The boys are in for a crude awakening when Margo breaks out the oil. Slick Margo, Slick. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 10/09/19 |
Cougar House Ch. 20: Elliot Mess (4.76) | Paris, the City of Love. Meet camgirl Giselle. Elliot's also Hot for his Teacher, who happens to be Margo's twin. Studying relativity just took on a whole new context. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 10/24/19 |
Cougar House Ch. 21: D.M.V. (4.69) | DMV? Driving Men Vicious. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 11/08/19 |
Cougar House Ch. 22: BOOM BoXXX (4.67) | Love and Hate! Margo proves they're both worth it. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 11/19/19 |
Cougar House Ch. 23: Icy Hot (4.76) | High strung Margo. Nursing Home Hijinks. Don't rub it in Grandma. Who's that CNA? Nice EspanHOLE!!! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 12/03/19 |
Cougar House Ch. 24: Goodness Gracias (4.73) | HIS PANIC. Cabot meets the girl of his dreams. Wait! I thought that was Margo. A guy can dream BIG. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 12/22/19 |
Cougar House Ch. 25: Rode Rage (4.56) | Heath presents his Master plan. "YOU'RE MY SLAVE!!!" Momma Margo could only smile. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 12/31/19 |
Cougar House Ch. 26: Leash Agreement (4.46) | Following the Leaders, Margo makes her rounds. Best in Show. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 01/21/20 |
Cougar House Ch. 27: Step Three (4.70) | Who knew Stepsisters would make such good threesomes? Ok foursomes. Brian lost count. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 02/16/20 |
Cougar House Ch. 28: Lines Drawn (4.69) | Margo meets the Appraiser. Plenty of praise indeed. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 04/01/20 |
Cougar House Ch. 29: Copy That! (4.51) | Party planner Margo sits on the job... | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 06/08/20 |
Cougar House Ch. 30: Family Tree (4.86) | OH MY GOD ELLIOT!! Just hang me from the family tree. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 07/17/20 |
Cougar House Ch. 31: Bitch Please! (4.66) | Skyping with Elliot things get heated. Time for answers Young Man. MEN! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 09/21/20 |
Cougar House Ch. 32: Honky Tonk (4.77) | Line dancing just met Margo Needy. The line was long. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 11/27/20 |
Cougar House Ch. 33: Duck Blind (4.68) | So this is where those old beds went. Duck! Duck! Goose! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 02/28/21 |
Cougar House Ch. 34: Minor Detail (4.88) | Age is only a number! WRONG ANSWER! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 04/26/21 |
Cougar House Ch. 35: Georgia PrEACH (4.92) | Apples were no longer the forbidden fruit! It was now the Peach! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 07/03/21 |
Cougar House Ch. 36: Upset Tummy (4.89) | Shake it like Shakira! Margo dances for the Bonfire Boys. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 09/17/21 |
Cougar House Ch. 37: Period Peace (x.xx) | BLOODY HELL! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 12/13/21 |
Daisy Lighthouse Ch: 6 Part Series |
Daisy Lighthouse Ch. 00: Simon Says (4.45) | This is the prologue to DAISY LIGHTHOUSE. | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 06/22/17 |
Daisy Lighthouse Ch. 01: Daisy Fresh (4.56) | ANNdroid Delores begins her new sexy life as Daisy. | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 06/23/17 |
Daisy Lighthouse Ch. 02: Four Kings (4.45) | Daisy does her best to make Glenn reach his potential. | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 06/26/17 |
Daisy Lighthouse Ch. 03: Dream Boat (4.52) | Daisy reflects on her past as Delores. Makes a new friend. | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 07/12/17 |
Daisy Lighthouse Ch. 04: Garden Variety (4.60) | Daisy obeys Glenn and gives the Groundskeeper a show. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 07/13/17 |
Daisy Lighthouse Ch. 05: Silver Platter (4.51) | Daisy seals her deal with her Handsome Devil. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 07/26/17 |
Den Mother Pt: 10 Part Series |
Den Mother Pt. 01: Wendigo Blues (4.48) | Aurora Dawson never knew what her future held after her gang rape. Isolation was not going to be any better. Let the fur fly. | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 08/31/20 |
Den Mother Pt. 02: TRUE NORTH (4.60) | After a rough beginning Aurora sets her pack straight. Due North! | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 10/02/20 |
Den Mother Pt. 03: Special Olympics (4.79) | When in Rome...Roam! Anyone speak Greek? | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 11/05/20 |
Den Mother Pt. 04: CUR AEGIS (4.70) | Starry night full of fright. Northern light shining bright! Omens of things to cum. | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 12/17/20 |
Den Mother Pt. 05: ALPHA MEAL (4.79) | Some things are hard to digest. Food for thought! | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 01/20/21 |
Den Mother Pt. 06: WIeLD GOOSE CHASE (4.83) | The Eyes have it! Spirit guides start pointing fingers. | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 02/13/21 |
Den Mother Pt. 07: HUNTRESS MOON (4.69) | Cuddly bears, cute puppies, teethy Velociraptors...OH MY! | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 03/25/21 |
Den Mother Pt. 08: subteREIGNean (4.97) | Diamonds are a girl's best friend. Just ask the guy with the jaw. FACEts! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 06/11/21 |
Den Mother Pt. 09: GOLEM ROCK (4.88) | Aurora parties with a Gaiamancer. Rocky start! He got boulder! | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 08/10/21 |
Den Mother Pt. 10: MILADY'S KNIGHT (4.86) | Chivalry is dead? Not toKNIGHT! | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 11/16/21 |
Detective Pornstar Ch: 7 Part Series |
Detective Pornstar Ch. 01: Cruz Control (4.70) | Calliope Cruz is making Detective. All hell breaks loose. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 07/31/18 |
Detective Pornstar Ch. 02: Boom Boom (4.72) | Calliope Cruz gets her Shield. Babee gets the Riot Squad. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 08/08/18 |
Detective Pornstar Ch. 03: Panty Shield (4.64) | "I think my new badge number's the same as my Measurements." | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 08/30/18 |
Detective Pornstar Ch. 04: Government Mule (4.65) | The Government owns my ass. Is that a carrot in your pants? | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 10/05/18 |
Detective Pornstar Ch. 05: Unlawful Sentry (4.61) | "Ha! Sushi Homemaker. That's me. Are you Bob the Builder?" | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 10/06/18 |
Detective Pornstar Ch. 06: Babee Driver (4.56) | "To Swerve and Protect. Lick it or Ticket Buddy." | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 11/15/18 |
Detective Pornstar Ch. 07: No Cigar (4.62) | "That isn't a Humador. Put your Cubans back in your pants." | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 12/27/18 |
Doomsday Man Ch: 3 Part Series |
Doomsday Man Ch. 01: Primal Scream (4.61) | Welcome to the Jungle Baby! | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 03/20/21 |
Doomsday Man Ch. 02: Fort Apache (4.60) | Grab some teepee the world has gone to shit! | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 05/24/21 |
Doomsday Man Ch. 03: Cat Skills (4.60) | Mating calls in the halls! Persia is back in town! ME---OW!! | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 07/19/21 |
Entity Nest Ch: 7 Part Series |
Entity Nest Ch. 01: enchaUntee (4.63) | Erin Parrish bought her first home. Howdy Neighbors! | Erotic Horror | 10/29/20 |
Entity Nest Ch. 02: GOES BUMP (4.71) | Moving day! Erin and her brother had a few helping hands. All on Erin. He saw right through it all. | Erotic Horror | 11/17/20 |
Entity Nest Ch. 03: miSTRESS (4.60) | Bedtime just got interesting. The ghosts were not the only ones moaning. | Erotic Horror | 12/21/20 |
Entity Nest Ch. 04: SHE KNOW EVIL (4.71) | Psychic readings, booze, weed, and horny ghosts. "Don't judge me Dad!" | Erotic Horror | 02/02/21 |
Entity Nest Ch. 05: BAD MANORS (4.55) | Chores! Whore's! Flinging doors! OH CRAP! | Erotic Horror | 03/22/21 |
Entity Nest Ch. 06: NO, MERCI! (4.84) | No mercy! The boys lose control... | Erotic Horror | 06/06/21 |
Entity Nest Ch. 07: EERIE BARKER (4.94) | Erin learns of Brimley's demise. Doggonit! | Erotic Horror | 09/01/21 |
Eyes Up Here Ch. 01: SIGHTS SET (4.58) | MASTER or MAsTEr. The Boss is still the Boss. | Mind Control | 01/06/20 |
Far Pangaea: 96 Part Series |
Far Pangaea 01 : Time Trial (4.56) | Now you see them. Now you Won't. Ever again. Maybe. | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 07/06/17 |
Far Pangaea 02 : Party Central (4.65) | Life goes on. For now. Who knows how long? Millennia? | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 07/07/17 |
Far Pangaea 03 : Out There (4.70) | Eye can see forever. Can Forever see me? | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 07/08/17 |
Far Pangaea 04 : Pest Aside (4.72) | To save one of their own. Skin must crawl. | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 07/09/17 |
Far Pangaea 05 : Skin Game (4.68) | AWKWARD! Trouble in Paradise. Paradise in Trouble. Look away | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 07/10/17 |
Far Pangaea 06 : Arms Race (4.74) | Sewing up loose ends. Pins, needles, and cover-ups. | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 07/14/17 |
Far Pangaea 07 : Savior Soul (4.74) | Zombies, Ghosts, Aliens! Oh My! | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 07/12/17 |
Far Pangaea 08 : Joint Effort (4.71) | Spirit of the Reason. Diamonds are a girls best friend. | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 07/13/17 |
Far Pangaea 09 : Doctors Orders (4.70) | Creature comforts. Home sweet UFO. Cue the X-Files theme. | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 07/14/17 |
Far Pangaea 10 : Fireside Chat (4.70) | Fine dining at the Dawn of Time. Ghost stories anyone? | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 07/15/17 |
Far Pangaea 11 : Night Moves (4.71) | Great sex. Bad memories. Did you just see that? | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 07/16/17 |
Far Pangaea 12 : Lab Rat (4.70) | Cool shades coming. Lots of toys to play with. Kids! | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 07/17/17 |
Far Pangaea 13 : Land Rover (4.72) | Eye exams. Leisurely strolls. Mixed emotions. Bye Cya. | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 07/18/17 |
Far Pangaea 14 : Ship Shape (4.73) | One man's junk is another man's treasure. Swimming lessons. | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 07/19/17 |
Far Pangaea 15 : Cattle Drive (4.72) | Where's the Beef? Is that a Winchester? | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 07/20/17 |
Far Pangaea 16 : Okay Corral (4.74) | Cows come home. Something in the water. SHARK! | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 07/21/17 |
Far Pangaea 17 : Depth Charge (4.71) | Fishing trips. Feeding frenzies. Bedtime stories. | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 07/22/17 |
Far Pangaea 18 : Early Birds (4.73) | Eden. Chores. Not a pot to piss in. | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 07/23/17 |
Far Pangaea 19 : Food Fight (4.76) | Something fishy this way comes. Veggies from Hell. | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 07/24/17 |
Far Pangaea 20 : No Picnic (4.73) | Nice to meet you. Don't eat me. Things that go Boo. | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 07/25/17 |
Far Pangaea 21 : Restless Night (4.76) | Eerie women. Food poisoning. Home movies. TV dinners? | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 07/26/17 |
Far Pangaea 22 : Daylight Savings (4.78) | High tech. High fevers. High tension. Gets worse. | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 07/27/17 |
Far Pangaea 23 : Pale Face (4.79) | Search parties. Big ass Lizards. Cowgirl action. YEEHAW! | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 07/28/17 |
Far Pangaea 24 : Dragon Ass (4.74) | Dragons. Guns. Bitching. Fruit of the Looms. | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 07/29/17 |
Far Pangaea 25 : Bigger Problems (4.77) | Giants. Battle of the century. Things too sexy. | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 07/30/17 |
Far Pangaea 26 : See Serpent (4.72) | Stupid Komodo Dragons. Whale of a problem. Big help. | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 07/31/17 |
Far Pangaea 27 : Fruit Loop (4.74) | Johnny Appleseed. The Spook spooked. BIG SURPRISE! | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 08/01/17 |
Far Pangaea 28 : Dust Bunny (4.77) | Spring cleaning. Belly aches. Parlor tricks. Bunny Slippers. | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 08/02/17 |
Far Pangaea 29 : Troubled Waters (4.78) | Bathing beauties. See no evil. Coming clean. Girly men. | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 08/03/17 |
Far Pangaea 30 : Dear Santa (4.73) | Merry Christmas. Naughty and nice. Blow jobs. Sorta. | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 08/04/17 |
Far Pangaea 31 : Gift Horse (4.76) | Opening presents. Clean bill of health. It has a Hemi. | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 08/07/17 |
Far Pangaea 32 : Full Moon (4.76) | Bats! Crazy Lights. Troubled thoughts. Rascally rabbits. | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 08/08/17 |
Far Pangaea 33 : Black Magic (4.76) | Charming Fellows. Biting off more than they can chew. Sorry. | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 08/09/17 |
Far Pangaea 34 : You Suck! (4.77) | Extermination. Gearing up for war. Who the hell is He? | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 08/10/17 |
Far Pangaea 35 : First Lady (4.78) | Genesis. Revelations. First things first. | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 08/11/17 |
Far Pangaea 36 : Mad Hatter (4.77) | War begins. Vampire infestation. Dancing Magicians. Nibbles. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 08/12/17 |
Far Pangaea 37 : Thumbs Down (4.67) | Battle of the centuries. Heads are gonna roll. Score! | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 08/13/17 |
Far Pangaea 38 : Bloody Hell (4.72) | Body snatchers. Inside out. Outside in. Twister anyone? | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 08/14/17 |
Far Pangaea 39 : Bitch Fit (4.71) | Take a deep breath. Let it out. Stop barking at us. | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 08/15/17 |
Far Pangaea 40 : Mother Sucker (4.73) | Goodbye cruel world. Synchronized swimming. Milkbones. | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 08/16/17 |
Far Pangaea 41 : Weapon Eyes (4.79) | Stratego. Clothing malfunctions. Good grief. Really good. | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 08/17/17 |
Far Pangaea 42 : Suit Yourself (4.81) | Boot Camp. Men in uniform. Fighting chances. Loud sleepers. | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 08/18/17 |
Far Pangaea 43 : Flower Child (4.78) | Baby names. Bad memories. Approval ratings. A good Year. | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 08/19/17 |
Far Pangaea 44 : Ground Zero (4.78) | Ugly Ark's. Soiled hands. Light on their feet. Going batty. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 08/21/17 |
Far Pangaea 45: Emotional Rescue (4.81) | Ruby's magical mystery tour. Fireworks. General idea. | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 08/22/17 |
Far Pangaea 46: Soul Survivors (4.82) | Big rocks. Darkness coming. Good fortune. Soul Sisters. Cam? | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 08/23/17 |
Far Pangaea 47: God Forbid (4.76) | Light. Fight. Flight. White. Night. Bite. Height. Might. | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 08/24/17 |
Far Pangaea 48: reBORN FREE (4.75) | Heavy Metal. Norse Code. Restless Souls, Head Banging. | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 08/25/17 |
Far Pangaea 49: Core Sample (4.69) | All in the Family Stone. Barney loves you. Sexcaliber? | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 08/31/17 |
Far Pangaea 50: Raising Heaven (4.73) | This is it Folks. God be with them all. | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 09/01/17 |
Far Pangaea 51: Prophet Margin (4.75) | Nice Tyrannosaurus. Why Jack? Why? Fuck Hoff! | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 09/05/17 |
Far Pangaea 52: Curse Words (4.78) | Choice words. Tender moments. Ray Charles. | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 09/06/17 |
Far Pangaea 53: Monkey See (4.74) | Mozart. Hardcore Angel Sex. Early Man. Much later Man. | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 09/10/17 |
Far Pangaea 54: Static Cling (4.71) | Too possessive. Long distance calls. Tesla. Liar, Liar. | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 09/11/17 |
Far Pangaea 55: Nomads Land (4.78) | Tiny. Bigger. Huge. Upset. Angry. Furious. General Ideas. | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 09/12/17 |
Far Pangaea 56: 2020 Vision (4.75) | In General. Loose Lips. Pissed. Time flies. Dog Years. | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 09/13/17 |
Far Pangaea 57: Hare Trigger (4.75) | Baby Boomers. Murder Mysteries. Clown Killers. Monkey Done. | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 09/16/17 |
Far Pangaea 58: Small World (4.77) | Disney spells. Elton John. Jaws dropping. 3 down 1 to go. | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 09/17/17 |
Far Pangaea 59: Alien Hated (4.76) | Diaper duty. Sweet Baby James.The truth is in and out there. | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 09/18/17 |
Far Pangaea 60: Go Fish (4.74) | Seafood special. Log Cabins. Alien Abduction. Dammit Sophia! | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 09/21/17 |
Far Pangaea 61: High Seize (4.74) | Sophia's loss. More Aliens. Dancing Leprechauns. Zeppelin. | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 09/30/17 |
Far Pangaea 62: Many Me (4.77) | MeMeMeMe! Throat's cleared. Things are evolving Folks. | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 10/05/17 |
Far Pangaea 63: Sight Unseen (4.78) | Time's running out. Angel food. Infinity and beyond. Grampa. | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 10/10/17 |
Far Pangaea 64: Wait Watchers (4.79) | Watchful, I! Peekaboo I see you. Lucas Dorsey Eye presume? | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 10/12/17 |
Far Pangaea 65: Crib Notes (4.76) | Baby bumps in the road. Goo Goo! Mother Load. Blocked. | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 10/24/17 |
Far Pangaea 66: Angel Heir (4.72) | Light reading. Ruffled feathers. Missing Links. Shipped out. | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 10/25/17 |
Far Pangaea 67 : Uphill Battle (4.80) | Swine Flew! James in a Blanket. War at the Hilton. Sea Food. | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 10/29/17 |
Far Pangaea 68 : Soup Kitchen (4.77) | Primordial stew. Royal pains. Maniacal laughter. Piggy Banks. | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 11/07/17 |
Far Pangaea 69 : Greater Good (4.79) | One crazy threesome. Grampa's grumpy. Knock Knock. | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 11/08/17 |
Far Pangaea 70 : Immaculate Misconception (4.74) | Oh BABY! Live and lets die. I saw God today. Flipped me off. | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 11/10/17 |
Far Pangaea 71 : Polly Roger (4.69) | YO HO HO and a bottle of RUM. Booty slapped. Sunken Pleasure. | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 11/29/17 |
Far Pangaea 72 : HQ (4.72) | Home Sweet Home. Up! Up ! and Away! Spirit of the Season. | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 12/05/17 |
Far Pangaea 73 : Orient Asian (4.72) | Orientation. Guest rooms. Parental advisory. Where's Waldo? | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 12/22/17 |
Far Pangaea 74 : Frontier Justice (4.81) | Wagons HO! Cowbells. Freaks. Big Dinosaurs. Trail of Tears. | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 12/29/17 |
Far Pangaea 75 : Djinn Pop (4.73) | Demonic Prison. Kitty Litter. Stormy seas. Bad Parrot. OW! | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 01/03/18 |
Far Pangaea 76 : Bold Move (4.74) | Baby showers. Blown minds. Lost souls. Bananas. HUBBA HUBBA! | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 01/06/18 |
Far Pangaea 77 : Sirius Trouble (4.73) | Gods Dammit! Goddesses Dammit! Peeping Moe's. Call waiting. | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 01/09/18 |
Far Pangaea 78 : Pan Am (4.72) | gRAPES of Wrath. Whine Sellers. Baaad Juju. Sis? Niece? WTF? | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 01/10/18 |
Far Pangaea 79 : Testing 1..2..3 (4.76) | Unhappy Mediums. Fire in the hole. Nerds Eye View. Pooky. | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 01/24/18 |
Far Pangaea 80 : Frankly Avalon (4.76) | James and Moe's Big Adventure. Don't tell Bill and Ted. | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 01/30/18 |
Far Pangaea 81 : cHORUS line (4.80) | Sing Sing! Big Trouble in Little Egypt. Yo, Daddio! | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 02/03/18 |
Far Pangaea 82 : Amazon Grace (4.81) | FUCK EWE! Feather fetishes. BOARING! Big Balls. | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 02/04/18 |
Far Pangaea 83 : Busy Body (4.83) | Holy Rollers. Heavenly Bodies. George Burns. Fart Jokes. | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 02/20/18 |
Far Pangaea 84 : Out Sorcerer (4.81) | One Knight stand. It's a Magic Man. Moody Blue. Headlights. | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 03/02/18 |
Far Pangaea 85 : Time Bomb (4.80) | Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff Puffs. Pet Taxi. Deviled eggs. BOOM! | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 03/16/18 |
Far Pangaea 86 : Ram Tough (4.82) | Butting Heads. Fire at Will. Make up your Mind. NUKE! | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 04/04/18 |
Far Pangaea 87 : Phantom Limb (4.78) | Plant of attack. Flower plot. Venus Flytrap. Grave mistake. | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 04/10/18 |
Far Pangaea 88 : Celestial Assignment (4.81) | Emotions in Motion. Mixed Nuts. Head First. Momma Mia. | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 04/16/18 |
Far Pangaea 89 : Golden Rule (4.79) | See spots run, goldiggers, jungle love, puppy chow. | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 05/21/18 |
Far Pangaea 90: Devil Tree (4.80) | Hot Child in the City, He Made Me Do It Again, Shock Jocks. | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 08/09/18 |
Far Pangaea 91: Sailor Moons (4.81) | Grand theft starship, burial plotting, high five, fur flies. | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 08/17/18 |
Far Pangaea 92: Cold Shoulder (4.89) | Cool hand fluke, brain teasers, no body knows, dragon heels. | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 08/23/18 |
Far Pangaea 93: Lord Knows (4.84) | Icy you! Valet parking. What's up doc? Hot deity dog. | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 09/07/18 |
Far Pangaea 94: Atum Smasher (4.90) | Malcolm Rex, Atum's Apple, Monster Mash, Passing Gas. | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 09/18/18 |
Far Pangaea 95: I DO!N'T (4.84) | Something borrowed. Something blue. Curses! Sweet baby Jesus! | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 11/13/18 |
Far Pangaea 96: Come Together (4.89) | Beetlemania. RING in RINGo. By George! Clean Lennon. | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 11/23/18 |
Gnarly's Angels Ch: 11 Part Series |
Gnarly's Angels Ch. 01: Mr. Brownstone (4.68) | "All my neighbors are women? Works for me." | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 10/17/18 |
Gnarly's Angels Ch. 02: Rock Hard (4.64) | "Hitting rock bottom never looked so good." | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 10/24/18 |
Gnarly's Angels Ch. 03: Renter Sandman (4.75) | "Knockin' on Heaven's Door? Nothin' but knockin' back." | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 10/27/18 |
Gnarly's Angels Ch. 04: Easy Money (4.77) | "Easy does it. To me this time." | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 11/08/18 |
Gnarly's Angels Ch. 05: Girls, Girls, Girls (4.74) | "This Motley Crew knows how to do the Vince Kneel." | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 12/29/18 |
Gnarly's Angels Ch. 06: Drag the Waters (4.73) | "Cry me a river. I just might give a dam." | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 01/03/19 |
Gnarly's Angels Ch. 07: Behind Blue Eyes (4.76) | "It's not what's behind the baby blues. It's the Who!" | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 01/29/19 |
Gnarly's Angels Ch. 08: Fassster Pussycat (4.75) | "Not even in Ivy's league...I'm still scratching my head. Not that head. GEEZ!" | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 02/12/19 |
Gnarly's Angels Ch. 09: Comfortably Numb (4.59) | "Part time job as a full time babysitter. You'd be numb too." | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 04/16/19 |
Gnarly's Angels Ch. 10: Silent Lucidity (4.64) | "No business like show business. Business is good." | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/12/19 |
Gnarly's Angels Ch. 11: Do Not Disturb (4.65) | When your dicks wore out it's best not to disturb it. Fat chance of that. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 06/24/19 |
HANDSome DEviL (4.17) | Time to get a grip. Everyone watching? | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 01/14/20 |
Hannah: 5 Part Series |
Hannah 01: Devils Playground (4.50) | Welcome home Hannah Marie. "Where is everybody?" | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 06/14/17 |
Hannah 02: Barbie Cue (4.70) | "Welcome home Hannah Marie." Wink! Wink! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 06/15/17 |
Hannah 03: Street Regal (4.70) | Cullen shows Hannah how good it is to be King. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 06/21/17 |
Hannah 04: Trail Mix (4.50) | Hannah and Cullen hit the Trails. The Trails hit back. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 07/08/17 |
Hannah 05: Irish Spring (4.51) | Hannah's carwash is a resounding success. Line 'em up. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 07/30/17 |
I Can't Stop Teasing Guys: 15 Part Series |
I Can't Stop Teasing Guys Ch. 01 (4.57) | I'm Violet. These are my confessions. I hope you're ready. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 01/30/19 |
I Can't Stop Teasing Guys Ch. 02 (4.36) | My teasing went too far and now I'm paying for it. Oh Joy! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 01/31/19 |
I Can't Stop Teasing Guys Ch. 03 (4.75) | "My teasing keeps getting me in over my head. No stopping now even if I wanted to." | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 02/08/19 |
I Can't Stop Teasing Guys Ch. 04 (4.55) | "Now I'm told to tease the son of David's boss. On it. Literally." | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 02/19/19 |
I Can't Stop Teasing Guys Ch. 05 (4.61) | "Over the top. Yeah I'm officially a slut." | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 03/04/19 |
I Can't Stop Teasing Guys Ch. 06 (4.55) | "I GIVE UP! LINE STARTS AT THE DOOR. LOL!" | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 04/01/19 |
I Can't Stop Teasing Guys Ch. 07 (4.43) | "TREATED LIKE A DOG. I FEEL SOOOO USED. I'M GOOD WITH THAT." | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/02/19 |
I Can't Stop Teasing Guys Ch. 08 (4.73) | "Taking the bus boys to the park...OHHHH YEAH!" | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 06/20/19 |
I Can't Stop Teasing Guys Ch. 09 (4.38) | Dinner and a scary movie with Mom and David. I'm the refreshments. Free refills. LOL! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 07/24/19 |
I Can't Stop Teasing Guys Ch. 10 (4.78) | "ALL HANDS ON DECK. YOU THOUGHT I'D SAY DICK, DIDN'T YOU?" | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 08/24/19 |
I Can't Stop Teasing Guys Ch. 11 (4.10) | "BLOCK PARTY? I LOVE PARTIES. NO COCK BLOCKING THOUGH. I WANT THEM ALL. LOL!" | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 09/11/19 |
I Can't Stop Teasing Guys Ch. 12 (4.32) | "Mom's affairs finally bite her in the ass. Stupid bitch! I mean me. LOL!" | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 09/26/19 |
I Can't Stop Teasing Guys Ch. 13 (4.07) | "Naked on the dance floor. YAY! All I can drink Cum and Rum. GIRLS LICKING, GUYS DICKING, Brother filming...WHAT????????" | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 10/16/19 |
I Can't Stop Teasing Guys Ch. 14 (4.24) | "Super drunk at Dad's. Don't judge me. LOL!" | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 11/05/19 |
I Can't Stop Teasing Guys Ch. 15 (4.58) | Challenged to break my record. Wow! That's a lot of guys. Can I invite a plus one? LOL! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 11/20/19 |
I, Candi Ch: 37 Part Series |
I, Candi Ch. 01: Sugar Free (4.36) | Anything for her Soldier. Anything! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 03/16/17 |
I, Candi Ch. 02: Witness Projection (4.57) | Candi caught by her Brother-in-Law. And, his friends. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 03/17/17 |
I, Candi Ch. 03: Remote Control (4.70) | Candi pushes her limits for her Husband's pleasures. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 03/18/17 |
I, Candi Ch. 04: Stage Left (4.74) | Candi's Father-in-Law takes her shopping. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 03/21/17 |
I, Candi Ch. 05: Guilty Party (4.76) | Candi's Father-in-law challenges her for his Son's pleasure. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 03/22/17 |
I, Candi Ch. 06: Job Offer (4.61) | She should have known better. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 03/23/17 |
I, Candi Ch. 07: Officer Down (4.61) | Candi goes to jail. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 03/30/17 |
I, Candi Ch. 08: Permission Slip (4.76) | Damian gives his blessing. Candi gives it her all. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 04/03/17 |
I, Candi Ch. 09: Team Spirit (4.54) | Candi roots for the wrong Football team. Gooo, Candi! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 04/04/17 |
I, Candi Ch. 10: Penalty Box (4.83) | Win or Lose. It's All how you play the game. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 04/05/17 |
I, Candi Ch. 11: Candlelit Vigilante (4.59) | Much needed tenderness. It had been a rough night prior. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 04/06/17 |
I, Candi Ch. 12: Plan Be (4.68) | Candi sets plans in motion. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 04/07/17 |
I, Candi Ch. 13: Four Alarm (4.80) | Candi just keeps making things HOTTER. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 04/18/17 |
I, Candi Ch. 14: Sweat Shop (4.85) | Everyone fits right into Candi's Fitness Center. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 04/21/17 |
I, Candi Ch. 15: Hush Up (4.55) | Candi greets the new Neighbors. After they greet her. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 04/22/17 |
I, Candi Ch. 16: Work Related (4.77) | Gym Motto : Everything will Work Out. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 04/23/17 |
I, Candi Ch. 17: Rode Trip (4.70) | Highway to Heaven for Candi and Kody. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 04/25/17 |
I, Candi Ch. 18: Fluffy's Revenge (4.64) | Candi is back on stage Stripping as Fluffy. MEOWZA!!! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 04/27/17 |
I, Candi Ch. 19: Tension Mounts (4.59) | More Fitness Center teasing. It never stops. Thank God! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 04/28/17 |
I, Candi Ch. 20: Crotch Rocket (4.76) | Bikes! Hikes! YIKES! Candi is everywhere. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 04/29/17 |
I, Candi Ch. 21: Bar Tenders (4.75) | Candi and Dave go dancing at the local Cowboy Bar. YEEHAW! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 04/30/17 |
I, Candi Ch. 22: Left Hanging (4.74) | Candi deals with a hangover in her own special way. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/01/17 |
I, Candi Ch. 23: Concession Stand (4.73) | Candi and Rodney's date disturbs his Sister Rhea. Woohoo! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/02/17 |
I, Candi Ch. 24: Door Jam (4.71) | Candi campaigns the Mayor's erection--election day. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/04/17 |
I, Candi Ch. 25: Parlor Tricks (4.68) | It's the Grand Opening for Candi's Massage Parlor. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/05/17 |
I, Candi Ch. 26: Gun Shy (4.78) | Candi enlists Gunner's help. Shockingly he agrees. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/06/17 |
I, Candi Ch. 27: Moana Lisa (4.88) | "Oh My God! It's Mark's girlfriend Lisa. She knows." | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/07/17 |
I, Candi Ch. 28: Hell Know (4.84) | Mark is troubled by Lisa's desires. Dammit Candi! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/08/17 |
I, Candi Ch. 29: Question Mark? (4.83) | Mark lets Lisa challenge herself with a Gangbang. Fist bump. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/09/17 |
I, Candi Ch. 30: Devil's Food (4.83) | Candi gets suckered into being a Birthday Present. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/10/17 |
I, Candi Ch. 31: Say Uncle (4.13) | Uncle Walter drops by to take Candi to visit her Dad. | Incest/Taboo | 05/11/17 |
I, Candi Ch. 32: Daddy's Girl (4.57) | Daddy's in trouble. Can Candi save the day? | Incest/Taboo | 05/12/17 |
I, Candi Ch. 33: Morning Glory (4.27) | Misery loves Company. "Sorry Daddy." | Incest/Taboo | 05/13/17 |
I, Candi Ch. 34: Cemetary Plot (4.10) | Candi and her Father visit her Mother's grave site. | Incest/Taboo | 05/14/17 |
I, Candi Ch. 35: Founding Fathers (4.24) | Father and Father-in-Law deal with Candi's lifestyle. | Incest/Taboo | 05/15/17 |
I, Candi Ch. 36: Pussy Foot (4.67) | Candi rides the storm out. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 06/03/17 |
I, Candi Ch. 37: Home Invasion (4.53) | Invaded raped and loving it. Until the storm takes a turn. | NonConsent/Reluctance | 07/30/17 |
Midnight Ch: 14 Part Series |
Midnight Ch. 01: Wait (4.53) | Midnight Amador had no life. It begins... | BDSM | 08/11/20 |
Midnight Ch. 02: I'MMATERIAL (4.53) | "BEYOND YOUR NOTICE!" They all were. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 09/05/20 |
Midnight Ch. 03: PROPERTY (4.59) | Nick searches for a new home. Midnight searches herself. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 10/14/20 |
Midnight Ch. 04: GOSSAMER (4.59) | Fabric of reality! See it through! | BDSM | 11/26/20 |
Midnight Ch. 05: TREASURE (4.61) | Within a chest you will find your soul. Bury it! | BDSM | 01/04/21 |
Midnight Ch. 06: comPOSurE (4.74) | Find your way. Feel around. Listen closely. Discover! | BDSM | 03/11/21 |
Midnight Ch. 07: silhoUette (4.84) | As shadows fall so does the Owner. Relinquish! | BDSM | 05/14/21 |
Midnight Ch. 08: decipHER (4.85) | Over the top. Under the table. | BDSM | 07/11/21 |
Midnight Ch. 09: MONARCH (4.75) | Long live the King. | BDSM | 08/24/21 |
Midnight Ch. 10: rEfLECTION (4.87) | Mirror Mirror! What you see is what you get. | BDSM | 09/07/21 |
Midnight Ch. 11: sKIN (4.79) | Midnight gets checked for her behavior. WORTH IT! | BDSM | 09/27/21 |
Midnight Ch. 12: pRIDE (4.94) | Fired once was not enough. From the ashes...ANEW! | BDSM | 10/12/21 |
Midnight Ch. 13: tempE.R. (4.88) | Midnight's mother hanging by a thread. Threads denied! | BDSM | 11/04/21 |
Midnight Ch. 14: I.nseC.U.rity (4.78) | Nick tracks Esteban. Midnight feuds with family her way. | BDSM | 11/25/21 |
Miki Lee: 11 Part Series |
Miki Lee 01: People Search (4.55) | Miki Lee becomes intrigued by a Cyber Master. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 03/08/17 |
Miki Lee 02: Deep Dish (4.61) | Miki Lee takes a chance on Lukas the Cyber Master. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 03/07/17 |
Miki Lee 03: Name Calling (4.62) | Miki experiences the online power of "Lukas411". So will you. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 03/10/17 |
Miki Lee 04: Jiffy Lube (4.51) | Lukas411 coaxes Miki deeper into his world. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 03/11/17 |
Miki Lee 05: Home Stretch (4.71) | Miki takes it to the streets. Limo style. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 03/13/17 |
Miki Lee 06: Dress Rehearsal (4.65) | Miki Lee goes shopping. The Mall will never be the same. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 03/16/17 |
Miki Lee 07: geORGY pORGY (4.62) | Miki Lee is back! Orgy time. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 06/05/17 |
Miki Lee 08: Limo Scene (4.71) | Miki corners the market for Lukas. Matthew drives her wild. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 06/15/17 |
Miki Lee 09: Listen Hear (4.51) | "Need help Daddy?" | Incest/Taboo | 06/19/17 |
Miki Lee 10: Ocean Spray (4.81) | Sun. Sex. Ocean. Sex. Guys. Guys. Guys. Guys. "OMG LUKAS!" | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 06/20/17 |
Miki Lee 11: Cloud Nine (4.73) | Miki Lee is on pins and needles. Say hi to Mei Tu. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 06/23/17 |
Molly Ch: 25 Part Series |
Molly Ch. 01: Class Dismissed (4.36) | New Country. New School. Poor Molly. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/20/17 |
Molly Ch. 02: Self Help (4.61) | Molly learns who she can trust the hard way. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/21/17 |
Molly Ch. 03: Physical Education (4.41) | Molly takes the Bullies by the Horns. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/24/17 |
Molly Ch. 04: Private Tutor (4.65) | Molly teaches the Teacher. The rest is History. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/25/17 |
Molly Ch. 05: Sloppy Seconds (4.32) | Boys will be boys. Girls will be girls. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/26/17 |
Molly Ch. 06: Slam Dunk (4.68) | Caleb and Molly turn the Gym upside down. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/29/17 |
Molly Ch. 07: Chin Strap (4.52) | Molly has Lunch with Caleb and the guys. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/31/17 |
Molly Ch. 08: Clothes Pen (4.74) | Toys. Boys. Ploys. Molly has it all covered. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 06/01/17 |
Molly Ch. 09: Tangled Webcam (4.68) | Molly puts on a webcam show from the School Library. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 06/02/17 |
Molly Ch. 10: Dinner Reservations (4.73) | Caleb joins Molly and her Parents for Dinner. Bad idea. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 06/03/17 |
Molly Ch. 11: Cat Burglar (4.72) | Caleb sneaks into Molly's Condo. Her Mom awaits. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 06/04/17 |
Molly Ch. 12: Sunday Best (4.44) | Molly suffers at the mechanical toys of Neighbor Claude. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 06/05/17 |
Molly Ch. 13: Risque Business (4.72) | Heather challenges Molly to be the center of attention. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 06/06/17 |
Molly Ch. 14: Foot Locker (4.77) | Caleb has Molly hit the showers. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 06/07/17 |
Molly Ch. 15: Oil Slick (4.74) | Molly greets her webcam Followers. Baby oil style. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 06/08/17 |
Molly Ch. 16: April Showers (4.59) | Caleb can't resist being a dick. April's about to be fooled. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 06/20/17 |
Molly Ch. 17: Evil Genius (4.64) | Molly goes shopping to prepare for Caleb's family. So evil. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 07/28/17 |
Molly Ch. 18: Humble Abode (4.84) | It's the Indrabooty's versus the Houser's. Sinner take all. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 07/29/17 |
Molly Ch. 19: Table Scraps (4.74) | Bon appétit! Molly shows off over dinner. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 07/30/17 |
Molly Ch. 20: Anybody's Guest (4.63) | Worst sleepover ever. Molly pushed to her limits. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 08/07/17 |
Molly Ch. 21: Shark Infested (4.80) | Everyone out of the water. The sharks are out for blood. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 08/08/17 |
Molly Ch. 22: Hot Tropic (4.78) | Captain Molly on the High Seas. Her crew is going down. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 09/25/18 |
Molly Ch. 23: Key Chain (4.62) | Molly takes Key West by storm. Nothing like beachfront property. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 10/05/18 |
Molly Ch. 24: Dread Lobster (4.52) | Sunburnt in all the wrong places. Cameras in all the right. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 12/01/18 |
Molly Ch. 25: SHUDDER BUG (4.71) | LIGHTS! CAMERA! REACTION! The Indrabooty girls in Hi-Def. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 01/16/19 |
Monica: 56 Part Series |
Monica 01: Open Season (4.65) | This is the evolution Of Monica Leann Gift. God help us. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 04/04/17 |
Monica 02: Cutting Class (4.61) | Dares are so much fun. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 04/05/17 |
Monica 03: Social Study (4.72) | Monica can't say no to her Admirers. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 04/07/17 |
Monica 04: Quit Stalling (4.67) | Monica wears more than a smile. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 04/13/17 |
Monica 05: Brock Party (4.68) | Ryan's Dad gets an invitation he can't refuse. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 04/15/17 |
Monica 06: Hood Ornament (4.61) | Is that the Principal's car? | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 04/16/17 |
Monica 07: Pizza Role (4.56) | Monica delivers pizza with her own special toppings. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 04/18/17 |
Monica 08: Warm Reception (4.69) | Monica continues her Pizza deliveries. Hot Wings anyone? | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 04/19/17 |
Monica 09: Extra Toppings (4.84) | Monica delivers her final pie of the night. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 04/20/17 |
Monica 10: Fourth Quarter (4.63) | Biggest tipper of the night. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 04/21/17 |
Monica 11: Murphy's Lawn (4.50) | The Neighbors help Monica with her Lawn Care. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 04/25/17 |
Monica 12: Daddy Longlegs (4.67) | Monica's Dad comes to a startling realization. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 04/27/17 |
Monica 13: Almost There (4.67) | "Push me harder Ryan. I'm almost there." | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 04/28/17 |
Monica 14: Shower Head (4.62) | "Smokin' in the Boy's Room" Sing with Monica. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 04/29/17 |
Monica 15: No Picnic (4.60) | Sunbathing in the Park gets out of hand. Many hands. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/01/17 |
Monica 16: Grass Stains (4.52) | Monica's sunbathing in the Park continues. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/02/17 |
Monica 17: Further More (4.63) | Monica gets just a little too loud in class. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/04/17 |
Monica 18: Beauty Call (4.53) | Monica's fans step up to join the Freedom. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/05/17 |
Monica 19: Lunch Meet (4.50) | Monica helps Lindsey get over her fears. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/06/17 |
Monica 20: DDD Tension (4.67) | Start the timer. How long can Monica's dress stay on? | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/07/17 |
Monica 21: Rinse Charming (4.63) | Lindsey wants Toby. Can Monica get her over her shyness? | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/08/17 |
Monica 22: Lay Away (4.53) | Monica gives new meaning to the term Show Room. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/09/17 |
Monica 23: Dial Tone (4.52) | "Put me on Speaker, Daddy." | Incest/Taboo | 05/10/17 |
Monica 24: Bar Fight (4.47) | Monica gets her wish. So does the entire Bar. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/11/17 |
Monica 25: Farm League (4.74) | Monica's friends come to her rescue. As if she needs it. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/12/17 |
Monica 26: Licking Wounds (4.56) | Room service at a sleazy Motel. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/13/17 |
Monica 27: Micky DDD's (4.61) | Monica clowns around under the Golden Arches. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/14/17 |
Monica 28: Licker Store (4.63) | There's a Bluebird loose in the Toy Store. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/15/17 |
Monica 29: Four Shame (4.53) | The Braless Brigade unite. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/16/17 |
Monica 30: Hell Razor's (4.73) | Monica and the Girls walk the Razors Edge. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/17/17 |
Monica 31: Musical Chairs (4.78) | The Seating arrangement leaves the Girls in the Hot Seat. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/20/17 |
Monica 32: Screen Savor (4.25) | "Fuck me, Uncle Gary." | Incest/Taboo | 05/21/17 |
Monica 33: Rumble Seat (4.76) | Monica proves that she has one sassy chassis. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/22/17 |
Monica 34: FIVE-Ohhh! (4.58) | Prisoner of the local Cops Monica scares them straight. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/23/17 |
Monica 35: Spin Cycle (4.56) | Godiva on a Crotch Rocket. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/24/17 |
Monica 36: Plan Ahead (4.66) | Monica's Motto : "There's no quitting while there's a Head." | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 06/08/17 |
Monica 37: Pyramid Scheme (4.53) | Monica schemes to build her empire of Sluts. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 07/29/17 |
Monica 38: Soap Opera (4.64) | Monica creates her biggest frenzy to date. ORGY!!!! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 08/02/17 |
Monica 39: Pickup Line (4.50) | Car lot chaos. Monica beds down the boys. Kind of. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 08/19/17 |
Monica 40: Jumper Cables (4.50) | Oils well that ends well. Monica gets a Lube job. Literally. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 11/11/17 |
Monica 41: Water Tight (4.51) | Workin' it at the Carwash. Workin' it at the Carwash Yep. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 12/29/17 |
Monica 42: Eye Max (4.52) | It's Full Metal Ejaculation. The Troops fall in for Monica's Army. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 09/26/18 |
Monica 43: Love Nest (4.35) | Monica joins her Dad while making love to Mom. Secretly. | Incest/Taboo | 09/27/18 |
Monica 44: Counting Sheep (4.52) | Down for the count. There's a WOOLf in sheep's clothing. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 10/25/18 |
Monica 45: PALM SUNDAY (4.56) | Monica preaches to the choir. GOD HELP US ALL. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 04/02/19 |
Monica 46: Photo Graphic (4.52) | Yearbook pics Monica style. Say jizz! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/22/19 |
Monica 47: Cover Girl (4.52) | When Monica takes a makeup test the entire school gives her an A+. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 06/22/19 |
Monica 48: Tigger Happy (4.53) | Tag you're it! WooooHoooHoooWho? | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 08/02/19 |
Monica 49: April's Fool (4.12) | "NOBODY MAKES A FOOL OUT OF MY MASTER BITCH!" | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 09/15/19 |
Monica 50: CONTROL FREAK (4.51) | SOLD! The Slave for a Day charity buyer has bought the lovely Monica Gift...all yours...Principal Janson. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 11/13/19 |
Monica 51: INSIDE JOB (4.53) | Paying the Devil his Due. Jimmy Newton is THE MAN. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 02/04/20 |
Monica 52: wHOLE SheBang (4.55) | Strap in Ladies! Oh, wait! That's Strap on Ladies! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 01/12/21 |
Monica 53: DAMMIT DUTCH! (4.65) | Monica was a Strapping Hung Lass. To her knees! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 03/04/21 |
Monica 54: HIDDEN AGENDA (4.82) | "Me and my Shaaaaadow! Right behind you Dude." | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/18/21 |
Monica 55: TICKLED PINK (4.72) | Hot pink for a hot streak. Monica strings that bikini along. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 07/05/21 |
Monica 56: FACE OFF (4.67) | LOOK AT ME YOUNG LADY. "Ummm! Mom I can sexplain." | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 10/06/21 |
Next Whore Neighbor: 11 Part Series |
Next Whore Neighbor (4.60) | Here cums the Neighborhood. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 12/12/19 |
Next Whore Neighbor Ch. 02 (4.65) | Christina's man Dixon is home. Does that stop her from being the neighborhood slut? OH HELL NO! The Neighborhood Watch is keeping a close eye. A very CLOSE eye. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 12/24/19 |
Next Whore Neighbor Ch. 03 (4.58) | Christina is the life of the party. Even the band wants in. SING WHORE SING. Just like the Insurance Company's ad says...LIKE A GOOD NEIGHBOR...CHRISTINA IS THERE. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 01/03/20 |
Next Whore Neighbor Ch. 04 (4.51) | Christina's back... tits... thighs... ass... yep every inch. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 11/11/20 |
Next Whore Neighbor Ch. 05 (4.56) | Christina gets her hide tanned. In so many words! LOL! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 12/08/20 |
Next Whore Neighbor Ch. 06 (4.51) | No copping out Christina hugs the rooftops. Roof of her mouth too. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 01/07/21 |
Next Whore Neighbor Ch. 07 (4.57) | The truth comes out. In too. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 02/09/21 |
Next Whore Neighbor Ch. 08 (4.52) | Dixon knows all! Christina Ho's all! EVE HO! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 04/02/21 |
Next Whore Neighbor Ch. 09 (4.62) | Dueling Blowjobs! Christina and Venus are gunnin' for Dixon. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 06/19/21 |
Next Whore Neighbor Ch. 10 (4.82) | Dixon wants a striptease. GINGER UP! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 08/16/21 |
Next Whore Neighbor Ch. 11 (4.94) | Christina and Eve go for breakfast. Syrup and slurp on their fLAP JACKS! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 10/17/21 |
OZone 00 : Come Again? (x.xx) | The Baddest of the Bad is back. Look out Alabama. | BDSM | 07/06/17 |
OZone 01 : Sweet Home (4.48) | No place like Home. It still has it's drawbacks. Cue pain. | BDSM | 07/07/17 |
OZone 02 : Open Arms (4.44) | Family reunion Dhorne style. It's good to be crazy. | BDSM | 07/08/17 |
OZone 03 : Heat Index (4.50) | Work release never got sexier. Friends in thigh places. | BDSM | 07/09/17 |
OZone 04 : One Day (4.74) | Meet Jordy Bauer. She's "ONE" to keep an eye on. | BDSM | 07/10/17 |
OZone 05 : Steel Wool (4.70) | Family feuds never got testier. Nina puts her foot down. | BDSM | 07/11/17 |
OZone 06 : Housing Authority (4.84) | Dhorne continues his house calls. Teaching n Preaching. | BDSM | 07/12/17 |
OZone 07 : Dear John (4.75) | Holy water never tasted so good. | BDSM | 07/13/17 |
OZone 08 : Fitty Scent (4.74) | Emotional rescues need the ole life preserver. "O" zzzzz! | BDSM | 07/14/17 |
OZone 09 : Foot Traffic (4.30) | Jordy walks the walk. Dhorne gets mighty drunk. | BDSM | 07/15/17 |
OZone 10 : illuminNAUGHTY (4.73) | Let the Light Show begin. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 07/16/17 |
OZone 11 : Child Proof (4.69) | Troops rally as Dhorne prepares for a War called Fatherhood. | BDSM | 07/17/17 |
OZone 12 : Kid Gloves (4.64) | Father and Son together again. Dukes up. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 07/18/17 |
OZone 13 : Family Tithes (4.73) | Shared secrets and plenty of tears. Even Papa Dhorne. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 07/19/17 |
OZone 14 : Pinch Hitter (4.50) | Baseball.Tackle Football. Batting Lashes. Bare Asses. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 07/20/17 |
OZone 15 : Prince cHARMING (4.14) | The Dhorne boys keep crossing each other at Church. HOLY!! | BDSM | 07/21/17 |
Paige Ch: 29 Part Series |
Paige Ch. 01: Eighteen Candles (4.49) | Dear Diary...Timing is everything. | Incest/Taboo | 10/18/18 |
Paige Ch. 02: Birthday Girl (4.35) | Dear Diary...I finally know what a Birthday Suit is. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 10/28/18 |
Paige Ch. 03: Game On (4.56) | Dear Diary...Bases loaded. Score 6 to 9. Paige up to bat. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 10/29/18 |
Paige Ch. 04: Peach Fuzz (4.55) | Dear Diary...I like my picture taken. Especially naked. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 10/30/18 |
Paige Ch. 05: Tender Box (4.54) | Dear Diary...Daddy helped me set up a Tender account. Yay! | Incest/Taboo | 11/09/18 |
Paige Ch. 06: Uncle Buck$ (4.58) | Dear Diary...I love being spoiled by my Uncles. | Incest/Taboo | 11/10/18 |
Paige Ch. 07: Bedtime Stories (4.27) | Dear Diary...There is nothing like warm milk before bed. | Incest/Taboo | 11/11/18 |
Paige Ch. 08: Beau Peep (4.54) | "Dear Diary...All the boys love my new butt zipper jeans." | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 11/12/18 |
Paige Ch. 09: Red Riding Hood (4.65) | "Dear Diary...My first attempt at phone sex. Sooo HOT!" | Incest/Taboo | 11/14/18 |
Paige Ch. 10: Teddy Bear (4.69) | "Dear Diary...Actions moan louder than words. GO BEARS." | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 11/16/18 |
Paige Ch. 11: Pony Tail (4.68) | Dear Diary...My first bike ride. I can Harley wait. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 11/24/18 |
Paige Ch. 12: Snow White (4.65) | "Dear Diary...Prince Bryan is making me Disney, I mean dizzy." | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 11/27/18 |
Paige Ch. 13: Mother Goose (4.67) | Dear Diary...I like Mother Goose but not Mother Hen. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 11/28/18 |
Paige Ch. 14: Tequila Mockingbird (4.79) | Dear Diary...Three shots, I'm seeing spots. I love Twister. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 11/29/18 |
Paige Ch. 15: Babydoll (4.75) | Dear Diary...I think I'm on the Neighborhood Watch list. FINALLY! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 11/30/18 |
Paige Ch. 16: HICKorY DICKory DOC (4.71) | "Dear Diary...IHOP! IHOP! IHOP! IHOP! IHOP! Me tired." | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 12/18/18 |
Paige Ch. 17: BAUM'S AWAY (4.54) | Dear Diary...Lions, Tigers, and Teddy Bears. Oh My! Lil Doggy too. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 12/19/18 |
Paige Ch. 18: PLAY PEN (4.77) | "Dear Diary...I met Mister Frank's nephew Robin. Silly, Pooh Bear." | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 12/30/18 |
Paige Ch. 19: FUCKING A! + (4.54) | "Dear Diary...I like class participation. It teaches me a lot. Especially how to tie my shoestrings." | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 01/04/19 |
Paige Ch. 20: UPSY DAISY (4.73) | "Dear Diary...One Potato, Two Potato, Three Potato, FLOOR!" | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 01/05/19 |
Paige Ch. 21: SHORT BUS (4.56) | "Dear Diary...Before I was a Fair Maiden, I was a Fare Maiden." | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 01/09/19 |
Paige Ch. 22: JESTER SIGHS (4.73) | "Dear Diary...One Knight stands are just as much fun as Courting a Jester." | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 01/17/19 |
Paige Ch. 23: PAPARAZZI (4.75) | "Dear Diary...I get to be a Hustler honey. It sounds sticky." | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 03/06/19 |
Paige Ch. 24: BIG BAD WOLF (4.50) | "Dear Diary...Playing with the Big dogs isn't as much fun as it sounds. I'm more of a lapdog lover." | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 04/12/19 |
Paige Ch. 25: CHICKEN STRIPS (4.60) | "Dear Diary...Why did the chicken cross the road? She heard a big cock was on the other side. LOL!" | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/03/19 |
Paige Ch. 26: TWINKLE TOES (4.50) | "And, this little piggy played with a wee wee alllllll the way home." | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/30/19 |
Paige Ch. 27: CONNECT FOUR (4.80) | "Dear Diary...I finally met Coochie. BITCH!" | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 07/03/19 |
Paige Ch. 28: Gummy Worms (4.53) | Dear Diary...Glory, Glory Hallelujah. The FlAGS are waving. SaLUTe! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 08/29/19 |
Paige Ch. 29: Humpty Dumpty (4.58) | "Dear Diary...Which came first the Chicken or the Egg? WE DID!" | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 11/06/19 |
phanTOMORROW Ch: 5 Part Series |
phanTOMORROW Ch. 01: HOLOGRAM CITY (4.57) | Dark days ahead for one young man. Luckily, he was a bright boy! | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 02/19/21 |
phanTOMORROW Ch. 02: NEGATIVE REACTION (4.83) | Touching moments! Griffin seeks answers and he gets more than even he bargained for. | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 04/14/21 |
phanTOMORROW Ch. 03: SEPARATION ANXIETY (4.76) | Reality checks in and out! DO NOT DISTURB!!! | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 06/20/21 |
phanTOMORROW Ch. 04: MOTHERBOARD (4.74) | Peekaboo I see through! Mom's back...sort of! | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 08/26/21 |
phanTOMORROW Ch. 05: CONTACT BUZZ (4.55) | A touching reunion! "GRIFFIN! I'm your mother!" OOPS! | Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 12/03/21 |
RAVEN NEVERMOURN Ch: 12 Part Series |
RAVEN NEVERMOURN Ch. 01: tRAMp STAMP (4.83) | Never mourn the loss of scum. Only the man that gave him shelter. | Erotic Horror | 02/02/21 |
RAVEN NEVERMOURN Ch. 02: HELTER SHELTER (4.84) | Home is where the HEArT is. Until it stops beating! | Erotic Horror | 02/21/21 |
RAVEN NEVERMOURN Ch. 03: TERROR EYES (4.77) | Peekaboo I see you. Cum and get it Asshole! | Erotic Horror | 03/04/21 |
RAVEN NEVERMOURN Ch. 04: bapHOMEt (4.52) | You will never look at Pussy nor birthday cake the same way again. | Erotic Horror | 03/15/21 |
RAVEN NEVERMOURN Ch. 05: PASSiON PIT (4.84) | Heaven vs. Hell! Someone gets hot and bothered. | Erotic Horror | 04/08/21 |
RAVEN NEVERMOURN Ch. 06: little wOMEN (4.71) | Invasion of the body SNATCHers! This sucks! Good and Bad! | Erotic Horror | 05/01/21 |
RAVEN NEVERMOURN Ch. 07: crASH CoURSE (4.73) | An uncanny threesome! Ashes to Ashes, Lust to Lust! | Erotic Horror | 06/01/21 |
RAVEN NEVERMOURN Ch. 08: SIGILante (4.94) | Rough ride on the Highway to Hell! Buckle up Kiddies! | Erotic Horror | 06/11/21 |
RAVEN NEVERMOURN Ch. 09: BLOOD SUGAR (4.92) | BEWARE! This nightmare has it all. Leave the light on. | Erotic Horror | 07/02/21 |
RAVEN NEVERMOURN Ch. 10: HEXED OF KIN (4.75) | Family matters! Even if the URKEL sounded like a final breath! Did I do that? | Erotic Horror | 07/27/21 |
RAVEN NEVERMOURN Ch. 11: REAPERcussions (4.88) | Death warmed over! Dinner's on the table! Main Corpse! | Erotic Horror | 09/07/21 |
RAVEN NEVERMOURN Ch. 12: LoverSlain (4.95) | Goodbye to Romance...Hello to Lovers Lane! Dead End! | Erotic Horror | 10/22/21 |
Sadie Outlaw Ch: 4 Part Series |
Sadie Outlaw Ch. 01: REDHEAD REDEMPTION (4.57) | "If this is how the West was Won...Just shoot me now." | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 02/10/19 |
Sadie Outlaw Ch. 02: TEXAS FOLDEM (4.60) | "Spaghetti Western my ass. Not enough sauce for my appetite." | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 03/05/19 |
Sadie Outlaw Ch. 03: Lady Parts (4.82) | "Hands up? Double barrels Bitches. Just look at my tits, I call this fourplay." | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 09/03/19 |
Sadie Outlaw Ch. 04: PLUMB LOCO (4.71) | "Bare knuckle rodeo Fellas. Girl's gotta make some money." | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 10/01/19 |
Stacy Puma Ch: 14 Part Series |
Stacy Puma Ch. 01: Indian Giver (4.60) | "ApacheSlut" is her online name. Prowl with the Puma. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 06/19/17 |
Stacy Puma Ch. 02: Posse Whipped (4.76) | The Apache Goddess gives the guys a run for their money. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 06/20/17 |
Stacy Puma Ch. 03: Ghost Dancer (4.63) | The Puma stalks an innocent Café. "Lots of crème and sugar." | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 06/21/17 |
Stacy Puma Ch. 04: Catfight (4.52) | Two Pumas in a feral battle. The claws come out. HELLYEAH! | Incest/Taboo | 06/22/17 |
Stacy Puma Ch. 05: Bourbon Cowboy (4.69) | Stacy takes it to the REZ. The Wolves are circling the Puma. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 06/23/17 |
Stacy Puma Ch. 06: Peyote Ugly (4.50) | Drunk, drugged, and Her best Webcam show ever. Torture Baby! | NonConsent/Reluctance | 06/24/17 |
Stacy Puma Ch. 07: Many Moons (4.65) | Many Moons ago. Two girls went streaking. One was a slut. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 06/25/17 |
Stacy Puma Ch. 08: Sweat Lodge (4.78) | Cat Scratch Fever, Baby. Puma shreds the Hotel in style. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 06/26/17 |
Stacy Puma Ch. 09: 3:10 to Puma (4.80) | The Puma's are feuding again. Poor Xander and Bree. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 06/27/17 |
Stacy Puma Ch. 10: Fire Woman (4.67) | The Hellcat fights fire with fire. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 07/28/17 |
Stacy Puma Ch. 11: Spanish Fly (4.59) | Stacy Puma hisses with the Frat Cats. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 08/14/17 |
Stacy Puma Ch. 12: Thigh Noon (4.55) | It's the Duel of the Century. "Slap leather Varmints." | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 09/19/18 |
Stacy Puma Ch. 13: Cheyenne Pepper (4.50) | Stacy's feeling threatened. Where's her Cayenne Pepper spray? | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 10/05/18 |
Stacy Puma Ch. 14: Wrangler Genes (4.50) | "CUT! Take 69. Cue the ApacheSlut." Stacy meets with Commercial success. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 08/08/19 |
Starting from Scratch Ch: 118 Part Series |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 001: DICK MOVE (4.63) | Relocated in more ways than one. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 02/20/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 002: CHERRY, PIpEr (4.66) | Piper counsels Josie on how to make a marriage work, after a thorough tongue lashing. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 03/25/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 003: ENTERtainMEnt cENTER (4.61) | The furniture's arrived. Piper just can't catch a break. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 04/12/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 004: TALKWARD!! (4.59) | We need to talk about yesterday. Do we have too? UGGGGGGGGH! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 04/18/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 005: HOT MESS (4.70) | Bathing booties, boys have cooties. HELP I CAN'T SWIM! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 04/24/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 006: STEAKOUT (4.60) | Stakeouts to steakouts, the meat is thick and juicy. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/03/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 007: PEEPING DOM (4.74) | See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. UNLESS I SAY YOU CAN! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/03/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 008: COUNSEL BLUFF (4.57) | Piper's interview for School Counsellor goes better than she expected. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/20/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 009: HARD LIQUOR (4.53) | Piper and Josie get drunk and screw...69 bottles of booze on the floor...spin 'em all. Oh wait! The room is doing it for them. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/26/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 010: SLUT PUPPY (4.54) | Rotten to the Whore. "My babies home." Mace in your face, like it or not. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 06/02/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 011: BITE ME (4.55) | The twins take Rotten for a walk... | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 06/12/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 012: CUMberland GAP (4.56) | Piper and Josie redefine the term Outskirts. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 06/19/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 013: R.ated P.G. (4.56) | HA! PG-13!!! Henry and Tessa get to work on revising the R.P.G... | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 06/30/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 014: WARDROBE GALfunction (4.51) | Trying on dresses took forever. Skin was more in fashion. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 07/10/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 015: oPEN mIndS (4.52) | Cum to think of it we haven't talked birds and bees. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 07/17/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 016: NIGHT hOWLS (4.46) | Hoots, howls, and growls. Howdy Neighbors. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 07/26/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 017: MANic MONDAY (4.52) | First day jitters for everyone but Piper. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 08/04/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 018: STIFF COMPETITION (4.55) | No panties all pants, not the kind you wear. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 08/10/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 019: CHEMISTRY TEST (4.52) | Acid to water? Water to acid? POOF! What a mess. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 08/19/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 020: FOUNTAIN DEW (4.68) | Wet Tease pretty as they please. Definitely risky. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 08/25/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 021: ZERO G (4.56) | What goes up must cum down. Spewton's Law! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 08/31/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 022: YOOHOO OVERHEAR (4.54) | Piper dances with the Wolfman. His class howls at her moon. History in the shaking, General Lee speaking. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 09/07/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 023: BED BUGS (4.54) | Josie and Henry home school the girls without even knowing it. | Incest/Taboo | 09/13/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 024: nepWHEW!! (4.40) | Why are my bedsheets wet? Ummm? Rotten peed on them. Uh huh! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 09/19/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 025: gRUBHUB (4.54) | Fast food the old fashioned way... | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 09/22/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 026: PUSHY CONTROL (4.57) | When push cums to shove...it might just lead to love. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 09/23/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 027: VEINOUS FLYTRAP (4.65) | Romeos and Juliets...Josie has the best of both families. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 10/01/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 028: NERD ALERT (4.55) | Perbert suffers his worst TRAVIS T yet. His life is such a mess. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 10/03/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 029: FULL COURT PRESS (4.57) | All net Baby! Josie scores again. Missed every time. LOL! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 10/08/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 030: PRISON BITCH (4.59) | ATTENTION! DETENTION! Who's the Drill Instructor here? | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 10/10/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 031: PrOMises PrOMiseS (4.58) | WE SWALLOW! WE SWALLOW! GOOO SWALLOWS! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 10/15/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 032: FORGET ME KNOX (4.50) | Angus never promised Kelly a rose garden, but he did offer to take out a thorn. Travis did call Knox a prick. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 10/16/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 033: HALL PASSion (4.52) | The basketball team makes another pass at Josie. Balls were dribbling in her court. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 10/22/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 034: DURESS CODE (4.52) | Let the undress rehearsal begin. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 10/23/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 035: LEADER'S HIP (4.69) | Swallow the Leader. THAT'S AN ORDER! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 10/28/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 036: NAILED IT! (4.49) | Nothing like a lunch hour pedicure. Horton-Dexter style! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 10/29/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 037: DODGE DAKOTA (4.60) | First kisses are always the best. Second kisses? WTF??? | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 11/03/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 038: SVETTY PALMS (4.53) | Henry and Dom make a pact. Don't choke Henry. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 11/05/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 039: desTINAtion UnKNOWn (4.59) | Detention day two. From one CELLblock to another. DAMMIT MACE! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 11/10/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 040: BETTER HALF (4.59) | The O in chOke is Kelly's collar, the C in Collar is meeting her half way. Two adjoining forces collide. Then, there is Dakota! YIKES! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 11/12/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 041: SPORT COAT (4.57) | Josie meets her dREAM TEAM...inside and out. She was a good sport. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 11/18/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 042: HOME BOdY (4.52) | "I need a massage Body Boy...Booty Boy...Boobie Boy...DAMMIT! Buddy Boy!" | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 11/19/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 043: QUARTERBACK SNEAK (4.67) | Can I date Dakota? If you like. Can I fuck you Mrs. M? You better. Can I tap Sable? Don't push it. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 11/25/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 044: CHEESY GRIN (4.54) | Eat up! It's the cheesiest. Boner Appeteet! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 11/27/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 045: SHIaTsu!! (4.56) | Rub it in why don't you. Wrong lotion!! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 12/02/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 046: DRIFT WOOD (4.57) | Early to bed! Early to rise! Mace is still bulging! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 12/03/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 047: BELLE BOTTOMS (4.79) | Kiss me you fools! Cupid's being stupid. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 12/08/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 048: STAND BI (4.64) | BI BI BIrdy! The feathers fly when kissing tickles a lot of FANcIES... | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 12/09/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 049: gRAPhic dEsign (4.57) | Tessa and Svetty encourage Henry toward adding incest... | NonConsent/Reluctance | 12/14/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 050: LUmBEr yard (4.57) | How much wood could a woodchick fuck if a woodchick could fuck wood? Busy beaver! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 12/16/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 051: KNEE DEEP (4.57) | Showered with affection Piper gives BJ pointers. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 12/20/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 052: POOL BUOY (4.84) | Things get slippery for Mace. Rotten comes up smelling like roses... | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 12/21/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 053: BEEF JERKY (4.56) | Angus and Dakota bond...Angus and Sable bond...two faced? | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 01/01/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 054: LIP GLOSS (4.66) | Face to facial Josie shares her lip gloss with the last... | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 01/05/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 055: FUZZ BUSTER (4.72) | Piper faces some cuff love in Detention. Round two! Bling Bling! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 01/13/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 056: SUDS McKENZIE (4.93) | Not ready to go home Piper makes a clean getaway to the car wash. It's gonna get dirty. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 01/19/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 057: HANDS OFF (4.65) | Dakota begs her Dad for pointers with boys. MEN! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 01/23/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 058: PITY PARTY (4.63) | Oh...MY...GOD! Oh My God! OHMYGOD! Mmmmhmmm! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 02/02/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 059: WARM MILK (4.80) | Bourbon for me...warm milk for you. HOT TO TODDY! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 02/09/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 060: TurnsTile (4.74) | Josie takes the next logical step. Air Horton! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 02/14/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 061: BUTTerFLY KISSES (4.69) | Float like a butterfly, tease like a...beHAVE! Aww! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 02/19/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 062: VEND OveR (4.71) | HOHO's and DING DONG's the perfect morning feast. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 03/09/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 063: ZIPPITY HOOHAW (4.68) | ZIP IT! unzip it! ZIP IT! unzip it! BUT? BUTT? | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 03/10/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 064: BRACE YOURSELF (4.54) | Sable gets her braces off. The Dentist gets his rocks off. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 03/16/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 065: CABLE READY (4.53) | Mace might be in love. PORN CHANNELS! WOOHOO! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 03/20/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 066: TWINkle TWINkle (4.63) | Sable and Dakota switch identities. Let the games begin. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 03/31/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 067: BEAU'S & EROS (4.76) | CUPID MOVE McKellen. Henry makes love to Kelly Herbert. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 04/08/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 068: SHIRTS LEAVE (4.85) | Alley Cat Mace can't keep his pants up. Aunt Piper... | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 04/14/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 069: TESSerAct (4.77) | Tessa teaches Dakota the square root of all evil. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 04/28/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 070: GIRL FRIDAY (4.76) | TGIF! BODY SHOTS! Wait! During lunch at Horton-Dexter? | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 04/29/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 071: bASS ACKWARDS (4.78) | Switching identities has its ups and downs... | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/07/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 072: SUCKS TO BE YOU (4.73) | Tessa & Dakota's scheme to use Henry as a practice dummy... | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/12/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 073: URINE IDIOT (4.60) | Pissed on! Pissed off! Idiots at every turn. Poor Perbert! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/22/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 074: FLUSH MOB (4.89) | Don't forget to wipe Assholes! Those smiles off your faces that is. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 06/01/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 075: CREASED LIGHTNING (4.78) | Cheer up Roger! You have a deck to swab. Naked cheerleaders are so messy. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 06/07/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 076: BROS B4 HOS (4.83) | Travis meets Rotten. His luck will never get over the hump. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 06/11/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 077: me so tHORNY (4.84) | He loves me! OW! He loves me not! OW! He loves me! OWW! NOT! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 06/23/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 078: IDentity criSIS (4.90) | Two of a kind! It's only going to get crazier. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 06/29/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 079: maNO a MANo (4.77) | Did Dominic really defend Travis? Naaa! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 07/01/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 080: BUM RUSH (4.87) | No time to spare before the big Game...Uh Huh! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 07/03/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 081: NEW JERSEY (4.80) | Game time! Swallows vs. the Badgers. Let the fur and feathers tickle...I mean fly. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 07/11/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 082: FOOLS RUSSIAN (4.75) | Svetty's rocking the bearskin ballet. HOuse is PAcKed! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 07/15/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 083: SCORE BORED (4.67) | Aw hell! Hardecker's here! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 07/19/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 084: HONEY BADGER (4.67) | Badgerls rule, Swallowers drool. Watch the birdy! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 07/20/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 085: CHILLBILLY (4.68) | Henry plays hillbilly tug of war with Serafina Black... | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 07/25/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 086: wITCHING hOUR (4.87) | Scratch & Sniff just took on a whole new meaning bITCHES! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 07/29/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 087: BIRD DOG (4.78) | Mascot vs. Mascot! May the best one win. SUP DAWG? | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 08/01/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 088: DOM PERIGNON (4.80) | Drinks are on Dominic. BODY SHOTS! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 08/06/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 089: WIDE RECEIVER (4.83) | Josie and Piper GO LONG! Maya goes longer! ... | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 08/11/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 090: POINT SPREAD (4.78) | Dueling halftime sHOwS! Piper makes a bold move. PEER AMID! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 08/12/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 091: FIELD GOAL (4.82) | Knox, Piper, Scissors! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 08/19/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 092: Lovelace (4.82) | Fat lips and Rockin' hips! Swallowers vs. Badgerls! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 08/20/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 093: BAWLERS (4.83) | Bets a bet! Butts a butt! Spanky panky in the locker rooms. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 08/21/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 094: HIGH MOON (4.81) | Last Call for Booty and Booze! Take it to the parking lot! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 08/24/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 095: JOLLY ROGER (4.84) | Piper and Roger's first date. Open water...open minds! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 09/02/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 096: CLOSE ENOUGH (4.80) | PUNKY!!!!!! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 09/04/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 097: TUMBLE WEED (4.89) | Weed? Check! Bong? Check! Birthday gifts? Check! Hard on? Check it out! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 09/07/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 098: JUST LOOKING (4.82) | Josie's on the hunt for birthday...suits...GIFTS! YEEHAWWWW! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 09/11/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 099: SHIVER ME MEMBERS (4.69) | SHIP AHOY MATIES! Orgy on the high seize! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 09/12/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 100: JEWELRY EXCHANGE (4.81) | The twins get ready for movie night with the boys. SHAVE ME! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 09/14/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 101: WET BAR (4.78) | DP'd by the Dundee brothers, Piper's raising the bar. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 09/19/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 102: DYNAMIC DUO (4.88) | Double trouble x 10! Get ready to parrrrtay! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 09/23/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 103: SHOTS FIRED (4.90) | Body shots for everybody! BOOZKAKE! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 10/04/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 104: TRUTH SERUM (4.72) | JUST DARE US! They were telling the Truth. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 10/06/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 105: CIRCLE PERK (4.74) | Pour another round Barkeep! The band is back together. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 10/07/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 106: TEND n SEIZE (4.69) | Love and Whore! Dom and Henry seize the KELLay! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 10/14/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 107: SKINNY DRIP (4.80) | I'm so wet! Me too! So am I! CANNONBALLS!!! That's what he said. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 10/22/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 108: GENTLEMAN COLLAR (4.76) | Someone just got a new leash on life. SON OF A BITCH! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 10/23/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 109: RED LIGHT DISTRICT (4.82) | SWITCH! SWITCH! SWITCH! SWITCH! Musical HOleS! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 11/03/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 110: copYcat (4.73) | COPS & thROBBERS! One and the ShAME! Who is Miranda again? | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 11/05/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 111: MAN CAVE (4.76) | Behind every woman there is a Great Man! Isn't that RIGHT? GOD YES!!! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 11/12/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 112: TOUGH CALL (4.76) | IN JAIL??? Are you bitches nuts? | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 11/16/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 113: NIBBLE CLAMpS (4.82) | Sable and Tawny...get frisky. Let the fur...nuzzle! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 11/17/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 114: BAILJAIT (4.59) | EPIC BAIL! The Teachers are finally out of jail. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 11/22/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 115: GINGER bREaD (4.81) | Tawny seduces Henry while the twins are asleep! OH! HI MRS. M! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 11/25/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 116: HOaRSE POWER (4.73) | Bailed out then bailed on, Piper Cherry gets a ride home. TWICE! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 11/27/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 117: ANY GIVEN SUNDAY (4.88) | Breakfast in bed, balcony, kitchen. Juice freshly squeezed! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 12/03/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 118: MApLE SYRUP (4.63) | Sable tries to mend fences 'tween Trav and Dom. Butter up! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 12/08/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep: 119 Part Series |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 001: DICK MOVE (4.63) | Relocated in more ways than one. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 02/20/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 002: CHERRY, PIpEr (4.66) | Piper counsels Josie on how to make a marriage work, after a thorough tongue lashing. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 03/25/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 003: ENTERtainMEnt cENTER (4.61) | The furniture's arrived. Piper just can't catch a break. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 04/12/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 004: TALKWARD!! (4.59) | We need to talk about yesterday. Do we have too? UGGGGGGGGH! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 04/18/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 005: HOT MESS (4.70) | Bathing booties, boys have cooties. HELP I CAN'T SWIM! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 04/24/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 006: STEAKOUT (4.60) | Stakeouts to steakouts, the meat is thick and juicy. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/03/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 007: PEEPING DOM (4.74) | See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. UNLESS I SAY YOU CAN! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/03/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 008: COUNSEL BLUFF (4.57) | Piper's interview for School Counsellor goes better than she expected. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/20/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 009: HARD LIQUOR (4.53) | Piper and Josie get drunk and screw...69 bottles of booze on the floor...spin 'em all. Oh wait! The room is doing it for them. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/26/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 010: SLUT PUPPY (4.54) | Rotten to the Whore. "My babies home." Mace in your face, like it or not. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 06/02/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 011: BITE ME (4.55) | The twins take Rotten for a walk... | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 06/12/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 012: CUMberland GAP (4.56) | Piper and Josie redefine the term Outskirts. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 06/19/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 013: R.ated P.G. (4.56) | HA! PG-13!!! Henry and Tessa get to work on revising the R.P.G... | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 06/30/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 014: WARDROBE GALfunction (4.51) | Trying on dresses took forever. Skin was more in fashion. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 07/10/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 015: oPEN mIndS (4.52) | Cum to think of it we haven't talked birds and bees. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 07/17/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 016: NIGHT hOWLS (4.46) | Hoots, howls, and growls. Howdy Neighbors. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 07/26/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 017: MANic MONDAY (4.52) | First day jitters for everyone but Piper. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 08/04/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 018: STIFF COMPETITION (4.55) | No panties all pants, not the kind you wear. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 08/10/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 019: CHEMISTRY TEST (4.52) | Acid to water? Water to acid? POOF! What a mess. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 08/19/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 020: FOUNTAIN DEW (4.68) | Wet Tease pretty as they please. Definitely risky. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 08/25/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 021: ZERO G (4.56) | What goes up must cum down. Spewton's Law! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 08/31/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 022: YOOHOO OVERHEAR (4.54) | Piper dances with the Wolfman. His class howls at her moon. History in the shaking, General Lee speaking. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 09/07/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 023: BED BUGS (4.54) | Josie and Henry home school the girls without even knowing it. | Incest/Taboo | 09/13/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 024: nepWHEW!! (4.40) | Why are my bedsheets wet? Ummm? Rotten peed on them. Uh huh! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 09/19/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 025: gRUBHUB (4.54) | Fast food the old fashioned way... | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 09/22/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 026: PUSHY CONTROL (4.57) | When push cums to shove...it might just lead to love. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 09/23/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 027: VEINOUS FLYTRAP (4.65) | Romeos and Juliets...Josie has the best of both families. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 10/01/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 028: NERD ALERT (4.55) | Perbert suffers his worst TRAVIS T yet. His life is such a mess. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 10/03/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 029: FULL COURT PRESS (4.57) | All net Baby! Josie scores again. Missed every time. LOL! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 10/08/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 030: PRISON BITCH (4.59) | ATTENTION! DETENTION! Who's the Drill Instructor here? | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 10/10/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 031: PrOMises PrOMiseS (4.58) | WE SWALLOW! WE SWALLOW! GOOO SWALLOWS! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 10/15/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 032: FORGET ME KNOX (4.50) | Angus never promised Kelly a rose garden, but he did offer to take out a thorn. Travis did call Knox a prick. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 10/16/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 033: HALL PASSion (4.52) | The basketball team makes another pass at Josie. Balls were dribbling in her court. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 10/22/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 034: DURESS CODE (4.52) | Let the undress rehearsal begin. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 10/23/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 035: LEADER'S HIP (4.69) | Swallow the Leader. THAT'S AN ORDER! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 10/28/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 036: NAILED IT! (4.49) | Nothing like a lunch hour pedicure. Horton-Dexter style! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 10/29/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 037: DODGE DAKOTA (4.60) | First kisses are always the best. Second kisses? WTF??? | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 11/03/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 038: SVETTY PALMS (4.53) | Henry and Dom make a pact. Don't choke Henry. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 11/05/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 039: desTINAtion UnKNOWn (4.59) | Detention day two. From one CELLblock to another. DAMMIT MACE! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 11/10/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 040: BETTER HALF (4.59) | The O in chOke is Kelly's collar, the C in Collar is meeting her half way. Two adjoining forces collide. Then, there is Dakota! YIKES! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 11/12/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 041: SPORT COAT (4.57) | Josie meets her dREAM TEAM...inside and out. She was a good sport. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 11/18/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 042: HOME BOdY (4.52) | "I need a massage Body Boy...Booty Boy...Boobie Boy...DAMMIT! Buddy Boy!" | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 11/19/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 043: QUARTERBACK SNEAK (4.67) | Can I date Dakota? If you like. Can I fuck you Mrs. M? You better. Can I tap Sable? Don't push it. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 11/25/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 044: CHEESY GRIN (4.54) | Eat up! It's the cheesiest. Boner Appeteet! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 11/27/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 045: SHIaTsu!! (4.56) | Rub it in why don't you. Wrong lotion!! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 12/02/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 046: DRIFT WOOD (4.57) | Early to bed! Early to rise! Mace is still bulging! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 12/03/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 047: BELLE BOTTOMS (4.79) | Kiss me you fools! Cupid's being stupid. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 12/08/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 048: STAND BI (4.64) | BI BI BIrdy! The feathers fly when kissing tickles a lot of FANcIES... | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 12/09/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 049: gRAPhic dEsign (4.57) | Tessa and Svetty encourage Henry toward adding incest... | NonConsent/Reluctance | 12/14/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 050: LUmBEr yard (4.57) | How much wood could a woodchick fuck if a woodchick could fuck wood? Busy beaver! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 12/16/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 051: KNEE DEEP (4.57) | Showered with affection Piper gives BJ pointers. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 12/20/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 052: POOL BUOY (4.84) | Things get slippery for Mace. Rotten comes up smelling like roses... | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 12/21/20 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 053: BEEF JERKY (4.56) | Angus and Dakota bond...Angus and Sable bond...two faced? | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 01/01/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 054: LIP GLOSS (4.66) | Face to facial Josie shares her lip gloss with the last... | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 01/05/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 055: FUZZ BUSTER (4.72) | Piper faces some cuff love in Detention. Round two! Bling Bling! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 01/13/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 056: SUDS McKENZIE (4.93) | Not ready to go home Piper makes a clean getaway to the car wash. It's gonna get dirty. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 01/19/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 057: HANDS OFF (4.65) | Dakota begs her Dad for pointers with boys. MEN! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 01/23/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 058: PITY PARTY (4.63) | Oh...MY...GOD! Oh My God! OHMYGOD! Mmmmhmmm! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 02/02/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 059: WARM MILK (4.80) | Bourbon for me...warm milk for you. HOT TO TODDY! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 02/09/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 060: TurnsTile (4.74) | Josie takes the next logical step. Air Horton! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 02/14/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 061: BUTTerFLY KISSES (4.69) | Float like a butterfly, tease like a...beHAVE! Aww! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 02/19/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 062: VEND OveR (4.71) | HOHO's and DING DONG's the perfect morning feast. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 03/09/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 063: ZIPPITY HOOHAW (4.68) | ZIP IT! unzip it! ZIP IT! unzip it! BUT? BUTT? | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 03/10/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 064: BRACE YOURSELF (4.54) | Sable gets her braces off. The Dentist gets his rocks off. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 03/16/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 065: CABLE READY (4.53) | Mace might be in love. PORN CHANNELS! WOOHOO! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 03/20/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 066: TWINkle TWINkle (4.63) | Sable and Dakota switch identities. Let the games begin. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 03/31/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 067: BEAU'S & EROS (4.76) | CUPID MOVE McKellen. Henry makes love to Kelly Herbert. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 04/08/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 068: SHIRTS LEAVE (4.85) | Alley Cat Mace can't keep his pants up. Aunt Piper... | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 04/14/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 069: TESSerAct (4.77) | Tessa teaches Dakota the square root of all evil. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 04/28/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 070: GIRL FRIDAY (4.76) | TGIF! BODY SHOTS! Wait! During lunch at Horton-Dexter? | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 04/29/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 071: bASS ACKWARDS (4.78) | Switching identities has its ups and downs... | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/07/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 072: SUCKS TO BE YOU (4.73) | Tessa & Dakota's scheme to use Henry as a practice dummy... | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/12/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 073: URINE IDIOT (4.60) | Pissed on! Pissed off! Idiots at every turn. Poor Perbert! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/22/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 074: FLUSH MOB (4.89) | Don't forget to wipe Assholes! Those smiles off your faces that is. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 06/01/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 075: CREASED LIGHTNING (4.78) | Cheer up Roger! You have a deck to swab. Naked cheerleaders are so messy. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 06/07/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 076: BROS B4 HOS (4.83) | Travis meets Rotten. His luck will never get over the hump. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 06/11/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 077: me so tHORNY (4.84) | He loves me! OW! He loves me not! OW! He loves me! OWW! NOT! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 06/23/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 078: IDentity criSIS (4.90) | Two of a kind! It's only going to get crazier. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 06/29/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 079: maNO a MANo (4.77) | Did Dominic really defend Travis? Naaa! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 07/01/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 080: BUM RUSH (4.87) | No time to spare before the big Game...Uh Huh! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 07/03/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 081: NEW JERSEY (4.80) | Game time! Swallows vs. the Badgers. Let the fur and feathers tickle...I mean fly. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 07/11/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 082: FOOLS RUSSIAN (4.75) | Svetty's rocking the bearskin ballet. HOuse is PAcKed! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 07/15/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 083: SCORE BORED (4.67) | Aw hell! Hardecker's here! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 07/19/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 084: HONEY BADGER (4.67) | Badgerls rule, Swallowers drool. Watch the birdy! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 07/20/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 085: CHILLBILLY (4.68) | Henry plays hillbilly tug of war with Serafina Black... | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 07/25/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 086: wITCHING hOUR (4.87) | Scratch & Sniff just took on a whole new meaning bITCHES! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 07/29/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 087: BIRD DOG (4.78) | Mascot vs. Mascot! May the best one win. SUP DAWG? | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 08/01/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 088: DOM PERIGNON (4.80) | Drinks are on Dominic. BODY SHOTS! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 08/06/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 089: WIDE RECEIVER (4.83) | Josie and Piper GO LONG! Maya goes longer! ... | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 08/11/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 090: POINT SPREAD (4.78) | Dueling halftime sHOwS! Piper makes a bold move. PEER AMID! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 08/12/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 091: FIELD GOAL (4.82) | Knox, Piper, Scissors! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 08/19/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 092: Lovelace (4.82) | Fat lips and Rockin' hips! Swallowers vs. Badgerls! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 08/20/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 093: BAWLERS (4.83) | Bets a bet! Butts a butt! Spanky panky in the locker rooms. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 08/21/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 094: HIGH MOON (4.81) | Last Call for Booty and Booze! Take it to the parking lot! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 08/24/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 095: JOLLY ROGER (4.84) | Piper and Roger's first date. Open water...open minds! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 09/02/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 096: CLOSE ENOUGH (4.80) | PUNKY!!!!!! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 09/04/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 097: TUMBLE WEED (4.89) | Weed? Check! Bong? Check! Birthday gifts? Check! Hard on? Check it out! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 09/07/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 098: JUST LOOKING (4.82) | Josie's on the hunt for birthday...suits...GIFTS! YEEHAWWWW! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 09/11/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 099: SHIVER ME MEMBERS (4.69) | SHIP AHOY MATIES! Orgy on the high seize! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 09/12/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 100: JEWELRY EXCHANGE (4.81) | The twins get ready for movie night with the boys. SHAVE ME! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 09/14/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 101: WET BAR (4.78) | DP'd by the Dundee brothers, Piper's raising the bar. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 09/19/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 102: DYNAMIC DUO (4.88) | Double trouble x 10! Get ready to parrrrtay! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 09/23/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 103: SHOTS FIRED (4.90) | Body shots for everybody! BOOZKAKE! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 10/04/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 104: TRUTH SERUM (4.72) | JUST DARE US! They were telling the Truth. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 10/06/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 105: CIRCLE PERK (4.74) | Pour another round Barkeep! The band is back together. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 10/07/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 106: TEND n SEIZE (4.69) | Love and Whore! Dom and Henry seize the KELLay! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 10/14/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 107: SKINNY DRIP (4.80) | I'm so wet! Me too! So am I! CANNONBALLS!!! That's what he said. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 10/22/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 108: GENTLEMAN COLLAR (4.76) | Someone just got a new leash on life. SON OF A BITCH! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 10/23/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 109: RED LIGHT DISTRICT (4.82) | SWITCH! SWITCH! SWITCH! SWITCH! Musical HOleS! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 11/03/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 110: copYcat (4.73) | COPS & thROBBERS! One and the ShAME! Who is Miranda again? | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 11/05/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 111: MAN CAVE (4.76) | Behind every woman there is a Great Man! Isn't that RIGHT? GOD YES!!! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 11/12/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 112: TOUGH CALL (4.76) | IN JAIL??? Are you bitches nuts? | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 11/16/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 113: NIBBLE CLAMpS (4.82) | Sable and Tawny...get frisky. Let the fur...nuzzle! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 11/17/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 114: BAILJAIT (4.59) | EPIC BAIL! The Teachers are finally out of jail. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 11/22/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 115: GINGER bREaD (4.81) | Tawny seduces Henry while the twins are asleep! OH! HI MRS. M! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 11/25/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 116: HOaRSE POWER (4.73) | Bailed out then bailed on, Piper Cherry gets a ride home. TWICE! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 11/27/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 117: ANY GIVEN SUNDAY (4.88) | Breakfast in bed, balcony, kitchen. Juice freshly squeezed! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 12/03/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 118: MApLE SYRUP (4.63) | Sable tries to mend fences 'tween Trav and Dom. Butter up! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 12/08/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 119: SEX DRIVE (4.52) | Top down! Dicks up! Drive-thru! "How may I help you?" | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 12/12/21 |
Starting from Scratch Ep. 120: WoMen's FIB (x.xx) | He said, she said! They all say! Liar, liar panties on fire! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 12/13/21 |
The Masters Girls 01 : Twice Removed (4.26) | Identical twins Rose and Becca move in with Mom. Not smart. | Incest/Taboo | 08/10/17 |
The Masters Girls 02 : Second Story (4.53) | The sisters lie their way into Tony's clutches. Evil bitches. | Incest/Taboo | 08/11/17 |
The Masters Girls 03 : Pinky Swear (4.50) | Tony's the MAN! Let him think that. | Incest/Taboo | 08/12/17 |
The Masters Girls 04 : Fancy Feast (4.50) | Pasta and pussy. SAUCY! | Incest/Taboo | 08/13/17 |
The Masters Girls 05 : Tri Becca (4.46) | The girls Pony up for Tony. Their ideas changing. | Incest/Taboo | 08/14/17 |
The Masters Girls 06 : Grass Hoppers (4.46) | The twins tease the neighbor. God Almighty. | Incest/Taboo | 08/15/17 |
The Masters Girls 07 : WILL POWER (4.84) | Where there's a Will there's a way. The twins are in that Will so it's their way or no way. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 04/23/19 |
The Masters Girls 08 : Backseat Drivers (4.48) | Tony backs the girls into a corner...HIS WAY. No complaints. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 06/09/19 |
The Masters Girls 09 : 2 x 4 (4.61) | The twins work with wood at Tony's construction site. HARD WOOD!! | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 07/14/19 |
The Masters Girls 10 : ROSE PEDALS (4.71) | Rose learns to ride a bike. There HO's the neighborhood. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 10/09/20 |
Willa Ch: 23 Part Series |
Willa Ch. 01: Career Opportunities (4.51) | Willa's new job as Nanny comes with more than she bargained. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 03/13/17 |
Willa Ch. 02: Book Worm (4.50) | Willa helps her Employer Nick re-enact a chapter of his book. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 03/14/17 |
Willa Ch. 03: Rough Draft (4.50) | Willa portrays Sara again for Author Boss Nick. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 03/15/17 |
Willa Ch. 04: Purchase Pryce (4.60) | Nick takes the Nanny shopping. Change is good. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 03/16/17 |
Willa Ch. 05: Beach Front Property (4.60) | Nick takes Willa to the beach for Inspiration. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 03/17/17 |
Willa Ch. 06: Trouble Sleeping (4.52) | Confused yet thrilled by Nick, Willa catches her breath. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 03/18/17 |
Willa Ch. 07: Fair Game (4.58) | Willa returns to the beach for more instructed fun and games. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 03/19/17 |
Willa Ch. 08: SKYPEtease (4.64) | Nick and Willa skype with Claire. Claire has a surprise. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 03/21/17 |
Willa Ch. 09: Room Service (4.52) | Nick's son returns home. Boy is Willa in trouble. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 03/22/17 |
Willa Ch. 10: Dirty Laundry (4.59) | Household chores were never so much fun. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 03/23/17 |
Willa Ch. 11: Dark Room (4.54) | Breakfast of Champions. Willa style. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 03/24/17 |
Willa Ch. 12: Son Down (4.57) | Jesse gets his way. Willa hates herself. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 03/25/17 |
Willa Ch. 13: Trial Basis (4.68) | Willa meets her new best friend Ashleigh. Sparks fly. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 03/26/17 |
Willa Ch. 14: Foot Prince (4.75) | Willa has trouble keeping out of trouble. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 03/27/17 |
Willa Ch. 15: Pier Pressure (4.70) | Willa shows off her Navel at the Naval Pier. Salute. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 03/28/17 |
Willa Ch. 16: Anatomy Lesson (4.53) | The Body count rises. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 03/29/17 |
Willa Ch. 17: Five Star (4.67) | Willa and Ashleigh are treated to a Fancy Restaurant. Yummy. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 03/30/17 |
Willa Ch. 18: Pool Cue (4.63) | Bathing Booty's taunt Jesse's friends. Nick's not happy. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 03/31/17 |
Willa Ch. 19: Forward March (4.70) | Jesse heads back to the Academy. Time to Man up. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 04/11/17 |
Willa Ch. 20: Rockhard Cafe (4.60) | A visit to an Outdoor Café leads to surf and turf. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 04/12/17 |
Willa Ch. 21: Twin Pack (4.62) | Claire gives the girls a gift. Vice versa. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/10/17 |
Willa Ch. 22: Tight Squeeze (4.54) | Eve feels Claustrophobic. Willa breaks down the walls. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 05/14/17 |
Willa Ch. 23: Roadside Assistance (4.50) | Willa's back and on the Coastal Highway. Traffic Jam. | Exhibitionist & Voyeur | 07/06/17 |
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