Who Can Be Tried for Violating the Geneva Convention?

Given that the discipline thing of their songs range from expressing a desire to have sex with a domestic dog to simply screaming swear words down the mic for 30 seconds, it's not surprising that the band Blink 182 have caused their fare share of controversy over the years. But did you know they also once nearly got sued by the American Red Cross?

The incident in question happened in 1999 when the band were putting the finishing touches on their album, Enema of the State,AKA the album your parents felt super bad-mannered almost ownership you for Christmas.

enema of the state

The image in a higher place is likely the version of the album nigh everyone is familiar with and its rightly considered to be one of the most memorable album covers off all fourth dimension for ii reasons.

Pictured here.
Pictured here.

That prissy lady is Janine Lindemulder, an adult actress who was chosen at random by the band to be appear on the album afterward they browsed through a stack of photos of potential models. Apparently no 1 from Glimmer had any thought that Lindemulder had sex on camera for money and they were all apparently very nervous about meeting her. Something that isn't at all noticeable in any of the publicity photos she took with the band.

Not at all.
Not one fleck.

And so where does the American Ruby-red Cantankerous come into this? Well you meet when Miss Lindemulder beginning posed for Enema of the State encompass the outfit she was wearing featured two things that aren't present in the terminal version we somewhen got. A capital B in the ring's proper noun and a small-scale ruby-red cross on her nurse's hat. Both of which are present on the cover of get-go pressings of the album.

first version
Click to raise. CSI mode.

According to the band, they felt that their logo and name looked better when written all in lower case and changed that for the second pressing, leaving the scarlet cantankerous. However, soon afterwards the release of the second pressing the band were promptly erect-slapped by a legal alphabetic character from the American Ruby Cross advising them to change the album comprehend again to remove the red cantankerous from Lindemulder's lid or else they'd be in violation ofthe fucking Geneva Convention.

While the band weren't violating the Geneva Convention as far every bit nosotros tin can tell (in that location's a dominion about impersonating the Blood-red Cantankerous but we're pretty sure it doesn't apply to fictional women who be merely on anthology covers) the ring were sufficiently spooked enough the change the album for a 3rd and final time.

While this may seem kind of ridiculous, it's far from the simply instance of a charitable organization pointing a legal shotgun at the balls of an innocent person or group to get their own way. For example, The Komen Foundation for example has repeatedly sued other fucking charities for using pink while candidature. The aforementioned tin can be said for the Wounded Warrior Projection, who frequently sue other charities dedicated to helping veterans with donated funds for what they perceive equally copyright infringement.

But both of those things are way too depressing to think about right at present, and so in the hateful time please enjoy this pic of Glimmer 182 in their underwear.

That's better.
That's better.


Source: https://www.factfiend.com/time-blink-182-nearly-sued-breaking-geneva-convention/

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